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  1. G

    Like "*" in statement

    I have a query that pulls up infomation from a table. The criteria is [Enter Program Number] I need to make a Like "." for [Enter Program Number] In a form which updates the table a user can enter in 1094 Argon Inter Express. I need it to be able to enter in just the 1094 or Argon, or Inter...
  2. G

    Unbound Equation HELP

    Hi I have a form in which case I am trying to do a unbound equation. Here it is. (#of parts * quantity of parts)+(time * #of parts * 20) The #of Parts is just a text box (text49) that a user would enter in 3 for example in this case. The quanity of parts is a combo box that a user selects...
  3. G

    Group By on Report

    Hil, I have a report that runs from a query here is the Codeing. SELECT [Employee Monitoring].EmployeeID, [Employee Monitoring].Program, [Employee Monitoring].[Client Number], [Employee Monitoring].Date...
  4. G

    Unbound Control Update Table

    20 fields of points. Meaning 20 different controls Eval1-Eval20. I total up that and average all 20 together to come out with a TOTAL. The Total is where I am haveing problems. Here is the code. =(Sum([eval1])+nz([eval2])+nz([eval3])+nz([eval4]) +nz([eval5])+nz([eval6])+nz([eval7])+nz([eval8])+n...
  5. G

    Exclude Zero Values

    Exclude Zero Values When You Calculate Averages Hello All, When you use the Avg() function in a report to average a set of values, the function uses records that contain zero values in the calculation. However I do want "0" 's to show up on reports if the Totals are "0". (I used the nz fuction)...
  6. G

    Exclude Zero Values When You Calculate Averages

    Hello All, When you use the Avg() function in a report to average a set of values, the function uses records that contain zero values in the calculation. However I do want "0" 's to show up on reports if the Totals are "0". (I used the nz fuction) For the report footer, the DAvg function does...
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