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  1. S

    Why won't my rows follow the info when I sort a column?

    When I sort my column 'names' the rows which should be attached to it do not follow. They stay where they were. And Excel also does not allow me to go back or undo. I am VERY new to this and am working on a project for a small local non-profit that wants a program to track volunteer hours and...
  2. S

    How can I make a cell only a name I authorize?

    I would like my project to have a cell which will only accept and recognize names I authorize, and as someone starts to type in their name I want it to fill in for them. I remember you could make people choose only certain colors or makes, but is there a way for me to do this?
  3. S

    How can I change a date to a week number?

    I have been given a project for an internship that asked me to design and enter all the info for the workers for 2013 and the hours, day, week, month, etc. that they worked. I have never really worked with Excel and I can't figure out how to change the long date into the week # (1-52). I would...
  4. S

    I'm new and stuck!

    Hello, I'm Sherri from WI and I'm doing an internship where I have been asked to create an Excel report using all the data from the workers in 2013. So I'm going to go right to the questions board since I have never really used Excel. I will be back.
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