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  1. M

    Solved Trying to query two tables but get too many records in results

    I'll give what you suggest a try. I do have a date time field in each table, I just didn't show it in my original email as it didn't have anything to do with the duplication issue I had. The notes all relate to one "contact" but one table is for project related notes and the other table is for...
  2. M

    Solved Trying to query two tables but get too many records in results

    I'll combine the notes into one table.
  3. M

    Solved Trying to query two tables but get too many records in results

    Actually, I do have dates the notes were made but didn't want to include it in my question as I knew it had nothing to do with my issue. I think I'm just going to combine the tables.
  4. M

    Solved Trying to query two tables but get too many records in results

    Thank you for your answer. I knew I was multiplying records but I didn't understand why. All I'm trying to do it is keep track of all the call notes we have made for one individual. Unfortunately, I have call notes for an individual in each of the two tables. In essence there are (40) call...
  5. M

    Solved Trying to query two tables but get too many records in results

    I have (2) tables as shown in (tables.jpg) which have a contact name whose ID number is the same in each table. I have drawn a dotted arrow between each ContactID, which is a FK for [tbl-Contacts].[ContactID]. If I run a separate query using the ContactID # 8311 on one table at a time, my result...
  6. M

    simple query to update another field based on telephone numbers doesn't work all the time

    Thanks for the suggestions. I'll monitor this and see if that's the problem
  7. M

    simple query to update another field based on telephone numbers doesn't work all the time

    I have a simple query which joins 2 tables by their telephone numbers. If the telephone numbers are the same, it copies the [Architect].[AIA-ID] field in table 2 (which is an AutoNumber field) into the 2nd table, [1Firms-ADD New to Firms On Project].[ArchID] field (which is NOT an AutoNumber...
  8. M

    Update one data field based on 2nd date field

    That estimate numbers i.e. 248168E are assigned by a manufacturer which sends us their estimates using 248168E....I am not creating that number, I'm just entering into my system so I can search the database using their Estimate number
  9. M

    Update one data field based on 2nd date field

    I have a quote program which assigns a master JT# for each project. Each estimate associated with that JT # receives an SL Est #. If a JT# has multiple SL Est #'s associated with it, each SL Est # starts with the same 6 digits (i.e. 248168 in attached .jpg) and then A, B, C, D depending on how...
  10. M

    Issues with "0" in report

    The attached is what I finally settled on, which gives a much clearer view than the original report. Thank you again for your help.
  11. M

    Issues with "0" in report

    Sorry for the confusion I caused everyone. That being said, what you are showing above is what I'm trying to accomplish. Thank you!
  12. M

    Issues with "0" in report

    I don't know how to accomplish your suggestion. I assume I would highlite each field one at a time, but I'm not sure how to use conditional formating to accomplish what I want. Any other info you could give me would be greatly appreciated.
  13. M

    Issues with "0" in report

    Please see (Zeroes.jpg) of a report I am printing. Each line represents when a product shipped and the quantity of the product on each order. Unfortunately, since each order doesn't include a quantity for each of the (10) products, I get a lot of "0" values in report. However, on relatively...
  14. M

    Subreport grouping issue

    both the main report and subreport has "keep Together" set to "No". Unfortunately, the issue still remains the same. Ty for your suggestion
  15. M

    Subreport grouping issue

    thank you for your reply. Perhaps I didn't explain myself properly. The date sort is in the sub report. I'm just trying to stop the report from moving all the notes to the second page of the report when I apparently enter too many notes to stay on the first page. I would have assumed the...
  16. M

    Subreport grouping issue

    I am having an issue with data being reported as though I've asked for it to be grouped on one page, but I don't think I have. (Locker_RFI_5-Notes.pdf) is a one page report when there are only 5 notes. (Locker_RFI_8-Notes.pdf) shows what happens when more notes are added. They all shift over to...
  17. M

    Code to format email message body text

    I'm using the following code to grab a customer's email address which I grab from [Me.Text7.Value] and create an email which appears as detailed in the attached "Current-email-msg.jpg". Everything is working fine, except for the text in the body of the email (as shown in RED below). This text...
  18. M

    Automatically Link to PDF

    Thank you very much for the detailed explanation. I'll work on this some more and see what I can come up with.
  19. M

    Automatically Link to PDF

    This is the code I've used to create an Outlook email in Access. Perhaps I can't automatically pull a (.pdf) that I have created in Access and I'll just have to attach it manually? Sub SendEmail() Dim oOutlook As Outlook.Application Dim oEmailItem As mailitem ' prevent 429 error, if outlooknot...
  20. M

    Automatically Link to PDF

    Perhaps I didn't fully explain what I am trying to accomplish. I'm trying to attach a (.pdf), which I've previously created using Access and then attach that (.pdf) to the email I create in Outlook using the steps I have already set up in Access. Excuse me if I misunderstand you, but the method...
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