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  1. N

    Can't find project or library

    Thanks Mark, That did the trick!
  2. N

    Can't find project or library

    Life used to be simple, easy, things used to be "findable", before ^$#%$@%* MS went and messed up the lovely, accessible, workable, infinitely useful menu bar, and replaced it with idiotic ribbons, which have some merit in some places, but NOT to the exclusion of the menu bar. In the days of...
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    Can't find project or library

    Hello everyone, What is wrong with my Access? The Str() function is a basic, how can this function be missing? I had a problem not so long ago with not being able to change background colors via VBA 'cause, I'm almost certain, the same error message. Any ideas welcome. Somehow my Access...
  4. N

    Me.Detail method or data member not found?

    That form was working fine not very long ago, then all of a sudden, I get an error that the Detail part of my form doesn't exist??? If I start typing "Me.Form", the FormHeader and FormFooter show up as options, but if I scroll up, there are two Default somethings or another, but no Detail...
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    Update ListBox on Record Change in Form

    If you have more coding competence than I do, you might get an idea how to do what you're after by looking at how I used filter criteria. I have a form onto which I have a Add button. When I click this Add button, the following code is run (I've removed some for brevity): Dim...
  6. N

    dlookup returning #Type! error... why?

    Hello all, I have a dlookup in the frmAutoModels form that is returning a #Type! error... can't figure out why. This is the main table/form. A user might sometimes enter the engine size as a letter, instead of a Litre value, so the purpose of this lookup is to retrieve from the tblEngineSizes...
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    Changing Listbox Text Color

    Another possible way is that your query would have a column that would contain a C or P (Current or Past, of course) for each employee record, so then your list would show the C or P in a column in the list just in front of the employee name. Hmmm... you probably asked about the color...
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    Changing Listbox Text Color

    How about a checkbox beside the listbox, named "List Past Employees", that way, if it's not checked, you see a list of only current employees, and if it's checked, you see a list of only past employees. A quick on-the-fly way of listing one or the other employee class.
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    Assign the next number to a field not using autonumber

    Maybe one of the experienced programmers can confirm this, or correct me, but if ECRnum is not the Recordsource of your form, I believe you can still reference the ECRNumIndex field by formatting one of these way: ECRnum = Nz(DMax([Tables]![ECRnum],"ECRNumIndex"),0)+1 or ECRnum =...
  10. N

    Is it even possible?

    From the tblFilterNumbers table. Not sure how to describe it, the filter numbers are "cascading" from the selected filter manufacturer selected in the combo box. I'd originally forgot to upload the database, I've replied to my post and included the database.
  11. N

    Is it even possible?

    Hello everyone, I have a form that shows multiple rows of linked/child records (I know there's better jargon to describe what I'm trying to explain here, but I'm a bottom-rank amateur at MSAccess and don't know the lingo yet, sorry). The form in question is the "frmFilterNumberTypeView" form...
  12. N

    Apply DoCmd.SearchForRecord on Seperate Form

    Don't you just love it when people answer your post, but don't answer your question? I would have liked to have known the answer to this one myself, as I'm trying to accomplish basically the same thing. I'll have to try posting the question. Hope you'd managed to find a way.
  13. N

    Hello everyone!, and can I get your critiques?

    Thank you Galaxiom. I am not certain I understand, however, since it seems as though what you mention here is exactly what I've done. As I understand it: * The fAMID_ID field in the tblAutoModels table is the foreign key field that links back to the auto manufacturers table. * The...
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    Hello everyone!, and can I get your critiques?

    Hello All again, Ten years ago I created a somewhat half-decent custom database for my place of employment, and after some 9 or so years of not working with Access, I fooled myself into thinking that I could very simply create a database again. I had NO IDEA how big a fool I was! This...
  15. N

    SearchForRecord via ComboBox stopped working

    Thanks for the details/info of your solution(s). If everyone could do this, there'd be a lot more successful Google searches when people are trying to find a solution to their coding problems.
  16. N

    treeview sort

    Hello again Meydeydat, Well I was WAY OFF about what you were after, but I've already found an answer for you: Search on YouTube for the following, from a user by the name of TheSmileyCoder: Treeview in MS Access: Part 1 - The basics, loading information into the treeview I'm not...
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