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  1. 7

    The total of multiplication error

    This is the error
  2. 7

    The total of multiplication error

    No here i missed the closing bracket, i used too much parenthesis
  3. 7

    The total of multiplication error

    I faced another problem in another form with this equation as follows =[LineTotal]+(CLng([LineTotal]*[SalesTaxRate]*100/100)+[FreightCharge] I have tried to edit it as follow =[LineTotal]+(CLng([LineTotal])*CLng([SalesTaxRate])*100/100)+[FreightCharge But gave an error using too much () Your...
  4. 7

    The total of multiplication error

    It worked perfectly. Thank you sooo much
  5. 7

    The total of multiplication error

    Hello my dear friends, I really appreciate your support. Finally i got to the line total arguement if you could help Line Total: CLng(([Quantity]*[UnitPrice])*(1-[Discount])*100)/100 This is the item that is resulting in error if the unite price is more than 22,000,000
  6. 7

    The total of multiplication error

    Is there a way to access how the calculation is done, because i tried to navigate the form i could not find anything. GPGeorge if you can help with a zoom call i would appreciate
  7. 7

    The total of multiplication error

    Hello, i have an old ms access database that am stuck with in my work, where am facing an error when the total of multiplication is greater than 22, 000,000. I can not comtact the programmer anymore and need your help. It is access 98.
  8. 7

    Clinic software

    Hello, i have graduated recently as a pediatrician, and i need clinic software. If anyone interested we can discuss tje points that must be included Thank you.
  9. 7

    navigation form

    Hi everyone. i have a navigation form and i added a button for a form that contains a combobox and a listbox, a query showed in listbox and filtered by the combobox. The problem is that the form is working fine alone. But when i added it to the navigation form when i press the navigation button...
  10. 7

    open form

    i now how to open the form, but how to pass the title to the textbox, i need some help in with the code . next, if i have this word in the textbox, how can i set a code to hide a textbox, with the condition if this word is present.
  11. 7

    open form

    first i want to open the form from main window, and to set an unbound text with the title water supply. then, according to the title water supply, some fields in the new form will be hidden. i hope im clear enough, if anybody can help me.
  12. 7

    open form

    hi, i need your help in this issue, i tried searching the net but couldn't solve it. i need to open form1 from form2 and display in unbound textbox a definite title for the form. according to the title i want to hide some fields and unhide others. thanks
  13. 7

    create a calendar form

    hello guys, im trying to make a database for my employes to count their attendance according to the days of the month and then get their salary. i was thinking if there is any idea on how to create a form that show the days of the month and then i can add the names of the attending employes...
  14. 7

    yes / no field query

    i appreciate your help, and sorry for not being clear. i have found a solution, i placed this expression in the criteria field IIf([Forms]![SEARCH]![Combo34]="Yes";Yes;No) and it worked great. and i need help to find both the yes and no records.
  15. 7

    yes / no field query

    sorry if my question is not clear. what i have is table that have yes / no field, and i have a search form with multiple fields as a criteria for a query, the text box and combo box are working good, but i tried to use a combo box for the criteria for the yes / no field but it didn't work. the...
  16. 7

    yes / no field query

    i have a table with yes / no field named cleared for checks. i want to make a search form with combo box to query for cleared (yes) and not cleared (no) checks. i tried combo box with values set in it, yes and no. but it didnt work.
  17. 7

    blank page at the end of report

    i have a single page report, with narrow margins, and every thing is fit to the margins, and i have a header and footer. when i print it i have a white blank page without the header and footer. i searched the forum and google it with no success.
  18. 7

    save in form

    Re: form refresh the problem in my form that it is refreshing alone, and i cant figure out what is the problem, all of a sudden or when i move to anther field it refreshes alone
  19. 7

    save in form

    i have a form, in its current function i wrote this code: me.id_pat = forms!pat_info!id_pat but every time i open the form it blinks same as when it refresh, and when i have 2 records in the table, not duplicate, it saves a blank record with the id. i need help !! if there is nothing to do, i...
  20. 7

    multi value in list box

    i want the multi value list box to be a query criteria
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