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  1. R

    Compare 2 Tables help needed

    Hi everyone, I have two tables (ClaimDoc) and (ClaimDocCopy) in a database (CIS) that are not linked. ClaimDocCopy is used by other people and they need to change data in any field when necessary. I import the ClaimDocCopy in every week after deleting the previous copy. ClaimDoc is...
  2. R

    DMax trouble on a filtered form

    Hi, I am somewhat new to Access code. I am trying to make a number field in a table default to the highest number in that table plus 1 within a given client. I have a table (named ClaimData) that I input data through a form which gets filtered by an After Update, Event Procedure macro...
  3. R

    Hello to all

    Hi, I am pretty much a novice at programming but am surely learning as I go along. I run a startup company that I have become the CEO, IT and janitor so when an issue needs resolving, I'm the one called on. I really appreciate how you all help people be more efficient and productive...
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