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  1. Friday

    Populating A Combo Box with Excel Worksheet Names

    Thanks. It's been a while. How in the h*ll did I forget about ColumnCount?
  2. Friday

    Populating A Combo Box with Excel Worksheet Names

    Okay, let's start over. I have it working, to a degree. I split the task into two sections. 1. Populate a combo box with the sheet names from an excel spreadsheet. 2. From a command button, import the selected sheet into Access. First, I created a combo box and used a value list to display the...
  3. Friday

    Populating A Combo Box with Excel Worksheet Names

    When I run the code, the box is empty and an icon appears below it. If you hover over the icon, a message appears, "Edit List Items".
  4. Friday

    Populating A Combo Box with Excel Worksheet Names

    Sorry. Code Tags Added by UG Please use Code Tags when posting VBA Code Private Sub cboSheets_Click() Dim xlObj As Object Dim xlWb As Object Dim varSheet As Object Dim i As Integer...
  5. Friday

    Populating A Combo Box with Excel Worksheet Names

    Good idea. Forgot about that, too. When I do that, I immediately get a message box asking for a macro name/
  6. Friday

    Populating A Combo Box with Excel Worksheet Names

    I stopped programming in Access about 12 years ago. Now I'm retired, working on a genealogy project, and had the idea of combining my DNA matches from several different labs into a database, where I narrow down particular matches based on a chromosome. So I've got the workbook with 22 sheets in...
  7. Friday

    A Long Long Time Ago

    A very long time ago, I was a contributor on this site. I see some names I recognize, The Doc Man, Vassago, Brian Warnock, Uncle Gizmo. I don't see Rich. Anyway, just a shout out to anyone who remembers me. I'm retired now. Hope all my old friends are fine.
  8. Friday

    Hi Mile-O

    Well, if Milo is popping in, then so should I. Hi to all, hope all is well with everyone. I have been promoted to Manager Data Systems, and will be maintaining an old legacy db2 system that has been around since dirt was old. I have 4 1/2 years to retirement, and they want me to modernize the...
  9. Friday

    Nice to see that things don't change

    Brian, my thoughts are with both of you. Myelo Fibrosis has a lot of the same symtoms as the leukemia I have. Low platelets, weakness, etc. Even with mine in "remission" for two months, I am still fighing low platelets and anemia. Probably will for a long time. I take whatever I can from each...
  10. Friday

    Live to work? or Work to live?

    I used to be one of those types. Glad I no longer am. I watch those kind retire and die within 12 months, it drives them nuts to stay at home. :(
  11. Friday

    My Latest Good News

    Thanks, Rich. Good to hear from you. Hope all is well with you and yours.
  12. Friday

    Live to work? or Work to live?

    Damn that looks good! They have me on a steriod right now that gives me a huge appetite. Looks like I'll be stopping at DQ on the way home...
  13. Friday

    Live to work? or Work to live?

    I am working to live. I need the insurance with my health difficulties. Would love to pull the plug and live on the cheap, but cannot do that. 5 more years to retirement and then consider me living to live...The corporate clap-trap is really starting to get me down. All we ever hear around here...
  14. Friday

    My Latest Good News

    Thanks for the replies! Yes, I will be keeping up the testing. It has become a way of life. It's the only way to fight this stuff. It can come back anytime, so you have to catch it early to fight it off. It certainly has given me a different outlook on things (esp the order of priorities).
  15. Friday

    Why I wont be on much Brian Warnock

    Brian, take care and keep positive thoughts as much as you can. I'm thinking of you and your wife.
  16. Friday

    My Latest Good News

    To those of you who remember me/know me, I have news. Today I had my results from my chemotherapy of the past 6 months. No trace of leukemia could be found in my bone marrow. I am cancer FREE as of right now. How long will it last, who knows? My platelet count is extremely low due to the chemo...
  17. Friday

    Merry Christmas to all!

    I carry a camera with me at all times now, just in case!
  18. Friday

    Merry Christmas to all!

    My wife thinks so, too. :D
  19. Friday

    Merry Christmas to all!

    I'm sure you are right. We have many of the same interests, I'm just a lot older...:rolleyes:
  20. Friday

    Merry Christmas to all!

    Brian: tell Hazel that she is in my thoughts. Thanks for your words and thanks to Vas for his, as well. I've no intention of giving up, at least not til I've met Rich in person! Dennis
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