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  1. H

    How to Import Data to SQL Server from Access Database using TSQL Script

    I want to import the data from specific Access Database and Table to SQL Server, using SQL Script. I am trying to implement the solution as given in this link - Here is the code that I have tried -...
  2. H

    How to systematically manage a Big List of Queries and Tables in SQL Server ?

    Suppose someone has to work on a lot of different SQL Server Databases which have got a lot of Tables and Queries / Views inside them. After a period of time, it becomes very difficult to remember exactly what kind of columns are present...
  3. H

    How to Calculate Percentile Ranks within Database

    Is someone familiar with the method by which one can calculate the Percentile Ranks for the IV Implied Volatility in a Stock Market Database ? IV Percentile rank simply tells us whether implied volatility is high or low in a specific underlying based on the past year of IV data. For example, if...
  4. H

    Comparing different columns to FIND same Customer Name and then do Conditional Copy P

    I have got 2 lists in 2 separate sheets in the same excel file. The Small list has got 20 Customer Names in it and the Big list has got 50 Customer Names in it. I need to compare the names given in the BIG List, with the names given in the SMALL List and then if there is a match of name...
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