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  1. M

    How to change Crystal Report's Data source location programattically in Vb6.

    Ok dear, Infact I don't know how to change the title of a post in edit mode, that's the reason I re-post with new title. However, Drive D:\ is not an optical drive. I have two partitions of my hard drive as C and D. (Primary and Extended).
  2. M

    How to change Crystal Report's Data source location programattically in Vb6.

    I m using vb6 with Access 2010 (DAO) and Crystal Reports 9.22 I have developed a project in vb6 it works fine at design mod but when i Install it (i mean after Package and deployment) on other machine and run the project everything works fine except Crystal reports, when i run the reports...
  3. M

    DAO error code oxbe4

    I m using vb6 with Access 2010 (DAO) and Crystal Reports 9.22 I have developed a project in vb6 it works fine at design mod but when i Install it (i mean after Package and deployment) on other machine and run the project everything works fine except Crystal reports, when i run the reports it...
  4. M

    A Query that make opening closing balance and also show today movement in DB and CR

    Salam, Dear Mr. Yameen, can us post the code how did you solve your problem, so that I and others may get benefit from. Thanks in advance.
  5. M

    How to Format Date parameter in Dsum

    No my dear nothing like that. I think that the question was not clear and its v. clear now, but I did not get your answer that there is problem in module ? Pls. read my question again,
  6. M

    How to Format Date parameter in Dsum

    I m using Access 2010.I m Facing a problem in the undermentioned expression, OPB: 1*Nz(DSum("[Trans]","LogDetail","[LocationID]='" & [LocationID] & "' AND [ProductID]='" & [ProductID] & "' AND [LogDate]<#" & Format([FromDt],"dd-mm-yy") & "#"),0) when i run the query it gives "Undefined...
  7. M

    Periodic activity report of (Inventory) Products at every location

    As you see the closing Balance of Product CC02 is 0 (The Products having closing Balance > 0 should be retrieved ) and also there is no movement (Transaction) of CC02 from 01/09/2014 to 10/09/2014.
  8. M

    Periodic activity report of (Inventory) Products at every location

    Thanks, I have tried ur code but the output does not match the required results. I m attaching the Database with a sample data and also attaching a Excel file with two sets of data and required results. I will be very thankful to u for solving this problem as i m stuck with...
  9. M

    Periodic activity report of (Inventory) Products at every location

    You are very much right that we can't define period in the header, (What I have provided is a query based report, where period is a query criteria for example (.....Where LocationID=[Mylocation] And LogDate Between [FromDt] and [ToDt]), anyhow I have attached a new sample which hopefully explain...
  10. M

    Periodic activity report of (Inventory) Products at every location

    Thanks for response, please find attached the sample data including field names. sample-data.pdf in zip
  11. M

    Periodic activity report of (Inventory) Products at every location

    I have created a query as under : SELECT A.ProductID, Sum(IIf(IsNull(A.Trans),0,A.Trans)) AS OP, B.TRN, B.RTN FROM LogDetail AS A LEFT JOIN (SELECT ProductID, Sum(IIf([Action]="TR",[Trans],0)) AS TRN, Sum(IIf([Action]="RT",[Trans],0)) AS RTN FROM LogDetail WHERE LocationID=[MyLocation] AND...
  12. M

    Periodic activity report of (Inventory) Products at every location

    Thank u very much, I have created 1 qty field namley Transactions as per ur guidance , and use TrnasactionType field to clarify the transaction as I for IN , T for Transfer, R for Return and S for Sale (save R and S qty with -ve sign). can u please, let me know what should be the query for...
  13. M

    Periodic activity report of (Inventory) Products at every location

    I am developing an inventory system in vb6 with access 2010. We have a main Store where we receive Products from different Vendors and then distribute the products to our sub-stores located at different locations. I want to create a periodic activity report of (Inventory) Products at every...
  14. M

    Aslam o alikum

    Hello the, access world.
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