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  1. T

    Counting the number of records where a certain field is empty.

    The FO Column is a text field. I've found a solution online which also uses the *. thanks for the info on Group being a reserved word, I'm still drowning in this access malarkey after being thrown in the deep end a year ago and things like that are great to know. the solution i found was an SQL...
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    Counting the number of records where a certain field is empty.

    Hi everyone, I have a table of data that has a column called FO and a column called Group within it. I'm trying to figure out how many records have a blank FO field and group them by the group field. so far this is what i've got and all it's doing is listing all the groups from the Group field...
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    Record time between 2 events and store it in a field.

    @ranman256 thanks for the advice, where would you use that code? i've tried to use it in a calculated field but it won't let me. cheers Wayne
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    Record time between 2 events and store it in a field.

    Hi Everyone, I'm trying to add a timer to my form at work that will record the time between pressing one button and then pressing another (the dial and hangup button so i can check how long a call rang for.) and then input the time into a field (or text box on the form that is linked to the...
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    Transferring Text From Text Box To Email, Can I Replace Line Breaks With Commas?

    Hi everyone, I'm working on the button that takes the information from various text boxes on our call answering screen and uses it to prepare a pre formatted email that is ready to send to one of our clients. One of the boxes is giving me grief as it's a box for an address to copied and pasted...
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    IF Statement on form close. trying to exit sub without form closing if condition met.

    i got it working, i put it in the form unload event and it's working like a dream. thanks for all your help guys.
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    IF Statement on form close. trying to exit sub without form closing if condition met.

    hi, i've put that code in the beforeupdate event but it doesn't trigger when the cross is clicked to close the form. i'm struggling to understand how putting the code there will allow it to run when i try and close the form. sorry, i'm still pretty new to all of this. thanks Wayne
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    IF Statement on form close. trying to exit sub without form closing if condition met.

    Hi, Thanks for the reply. could you explain a bit more on how i could use that to stop the form closing when i click on the cross if the fields i would like filling in are empty. i'm struggling to get my head round it.
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    IF Statement on form close. trying to exit sub without form closing if condition met.

    hi, thanks for replying. i've tried the code you posted but now when i click on close nothing happens. any ideas? thanks again. Wayne
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    Send Bulk Sms from Desktop App

    we use a company called kapow, i have buttons on a few of our call answer screens that send texts to our client. this is the code i use if it's of any help. Private Sub cmd_sendsms_Click() If MsgBox("Have you checked all details to make sure they're correct?", vbYesNo) = vbNo Then Exit Sub...
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    IF Statement on form close. trying to exit sub without form closing if condition met.

    Hi Everyone. i've been asked to update our call answering screen at work. there are a couple of combo boxes that need to be filled in for every call that our operators sometimes miss. i've tried to rectify this by putting an if statement in the form close event like this. If...
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    Query 3 things at once/Display 3 queries together/ Query 3 things at once?

    Hi Everyone, i'm doing some audit work for someone and it's eating up most of my life. basically, i've got a list of 2500 teams, i have to call a few members of the team and conduct a short survey to find out if there are any issues. when i fill in my target table i'm using 3 queries. ones...
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    A Little Help With My IF Statements Please

    thanks jdraw, i usually do have meaningful names for everything but this database had to be built in the space of about an hour as it was a job in progress when our server decided to blow itself up. i've managed to get my second batch of code working by changing all of the "end sub"s to "exit...
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    A Little Help With My IF Statements Please

    Hi, I've recently had to build a survey in access that people on the phones downstairs will be using. I'm trying to place if statements on the buttons that navigate between tab pages to make sure that questions are not missed out and are filled in correctly. My problem is that as i've got it...
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    Trying to filter by 3 dropdowns on my form. continually getting error 3075

    square brackets? cheers for the help guys, it's always those bloody square brackets.
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    Trying to filter by 3 dropdowns on my form. continually getting error 3075

    Hi, I've got it to print the value of strFilter to a text file and it's currently (Ward = 'Birchanger') AND (Age Range = '50 - 74') AND (Gender = 'Female') it's totally got me beat.
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    Trying to filter by 3 dropdowns on my form. continually getting error 3075

    Hi Everyone, I'm currently trying to put 3 dropdowns on a form that will allow me to filter the table behind it but i keep getting error 3075. This is the code i'm using. Private Sub cmd_filter_Click() Dim strFilter As String Dim strConj As String strConj = " AND " ' could...
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    trying to email from access, can't add cc or bcc

    thanks for the help guys, it's now working excellently. Wayne
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    trying to email from access, can't add cc or bcc

    @RanMan256 - that is the only thing i haven't tried, i'm going to go and try it now and probably feel really stupid! thanks a lot. @Minty - I had tried both commands with .add on and it gave a different error. 440 without .add and 424 with.add
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    trying to email from access, can't add cc or bcc

    hi, i'm trying to get our call answering screen to generate an email containing record details when a button is clicked on a form. i've managed to get everything working how i want it by looking at and pinching bits of code from around the web, apart from the cc and bcc. basically, the form is...
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