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  1. G

    Combo box values mixture of table and values?

    I have a need to produce a report based on a combo box of Nurse's names. However, I also want to be able to produce the same report for every Nurse. Is there a way to populate the combo box with a table of names PLUS the value field with the word "All"? My form VBA can figure out what to do...
  2. G

    VBA code showing up in cascade view. help!

    I stupidly clicked the "cascade" option in the Window Tab of my VBA code. Now every module shows up. How do I get it back to showing just the VBA code for the form I'm interested in? Thank you in advance.
  3. G

    How can I see the contents of a multivalue field on a form?

    I have a multi-value field on a form that I want to examine. I would like to see if my field (that I called Forms!FrmVisitAdd.Holidays has a certain word in it. Is there one field I can examine to check that? i.e. Let's say the box choices are: New Years Day Mothers Day Christmas Boxing...
  4. G

    Executing a select statement, one row returned.

    Why are the simplest tasks so complicated? I'm looking for a MAX value from a table. It will return just one row and one value. My coding looks like this: strSQL = "SELECT Max(PCID) as maxPC FROM TblPallConsultant" Now, how do I execute that statement? I know I can't use docmd.runsql...
  5. G

    From VBA to Text Box

    I posted before but things got too confusing. I have some variables coded in a VBA module. The results are in fields called intA, intB and intC. I also have 3 texts boxes in a form. How do I code the text boxes so I can display intA, intB and intC? Do I put something in the control...
  6. G

    A text box should be easy, right?

    I'm an experienced SQL programmer but I'm finding I know diddly-squat about Access. I'm trying to make the simplest of text boxes on a form. I want to display a person's age just to the right of where they would input a birthdate. My age calculation works like a charm, putting the value in...
  7. G

    Select based on first item for each group.

    What I'm trying to do is so simple but I'm missing something. I want to get a report to track patient's pain level and list when it's increasing. I want rows where pain level is greater than the first observation. The table: PatID Date Pain 1 01/1/01 6 1 02/1/01 4 1...
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