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  1. R

    Format varchar date

    hello ridder, i am using SQL server and i get the 'Format' is not a recognized built in function.
  2. R

    Format varchar date

    Hello all, I am trying to format a varchar column which as dates in the format of '09152016'. I would like to convert the text date to 09/15/2016.
  3. R

    Create Temp Tables from Excel VBA

    Hello All, I am just try create a temp table from excel VBA. Below is the code i have which works for a select statement. But i want to create a temp table. 'Initializes variables Dim cnn As New ADODB.Connection Dim rst As New ADODB.Recordset Dim ConnectionString As String Dim StrQuery As...
  4. R

    Using query results as a where condition?

    ok Plog. I create to temp tables. T1 has all the IDs with open ( Query 1 inserted into) and T2 has all the IDs with closed ( query 2 Inserted into) Now I want to join the two tables and give me a list of IDs from T1 where the ID was not found in T2 Create Table #T1 ( TicketHistoryID...
  5. R

    Using query results as a where condition?

    I have a select query that pull records based on certain where criteria. I want the recordIDs that are returned to be used in another query to see if the ID exists? For example Select Query 1 pulls all records with a open status. I want to have another query run taking the IDs found open in...
  6. R

    Access Query to Random select 10 Record By Analyst

    Im aware that the query is calling for the TOP 10 records by Analyst, so how can i have the query pull 10 records that are in the " Completed " status?
  7. R

    Access Query to Random select 10 Record By Analyst

    Hello All, I am needing some help on a query i am trying to build. I am needing to select 10 random records by each Assigned Analyst. See below code SELECT TblEmailReview.[Assigned Analyst], TblEmailReview.ManagerAssigned, TblEmailReview.[Testing Month], TblEmailReview.Status FROM...
  8. R

    Access VBA Outlook .To error

    Ahh i see my error. THanks Pbaldy !!!! simple and i was stressing over this all morning
  9. R

    Access VBA Outlook .To error

    sorry didnt post full code Sub EmailMemo() Dim FilePath As String Dim FileName As String Dim oOutlook As Outlook.Application Dim oEmailItem As MailItem Dim CompUser As String Dim Path As String Dim myDate As String Dim todayDate As String Dim rs As Recordset Dim customerEmail As String Dim...
  10. R

    Access VBA Outlook .To error

    Hello All, I have the below code in a module to call outlook. The problem i am having is the .To part. The outlook dialogue does pop up but all of the emails located in the Query1 do not show up in the To box in outlook. The .CC shows all the emails for the manager but .to box only shows 1...
  11. R

    SQL Select Query Inner Join

    Figured it out thanks everyone!
  12. R

    SQL Select Query Inner Join

    Hello All, Could someone help with the SQL query below. SELECT Tableau.*, "Pass" AS AccessVerification FROM (Tableau LEFT JOIN AAL_Matrix ON (Tableau.[Access] = AAL_Matrix.[PrimaryRole]) AND (Tableau.[AAL] = AAL_Matrix.[AAL])) INNER JOIN TblApprovedExceptions ON (Tableau.[Access] =...
  13. R

    SQL Select Query

    Ah i finally got it to work thanks PLOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. R

    SQL Select Query

    SELECT Tableau, "Fail" AS AccessVerification, Tableau.Access AS CurrentAccessRights FROM Tableau LEFT JOIN AAL_Matrix ON (Tableau.[AAL] = AAL_Matrix.[AAL]) AND (Tableau.[Access] = AAL_Matrix.[PrimaryRole]) LEFT JOIN TblApprovedExceptions ON (Tableau.[EID] = TblApprovedExceptions.[EID]) AND...
  15. R

    SQL Select Query

    Hello All, I am trying to Join the 2 Select Queries below and not sure on how to. What i would like the results to show is a Fail for any user who has unapproved access. The first Select statement checks the tbl named AAL_Matrix against the Tableau table and provides a "Fail" for anything...
  16. R

    If statement with Dlookup help

    Thanks i got it too work!
  17. R

    If statement with Dlookup help

    T1 fields ID AAL UserName Access Verified Access Permission T2 ID AAL Parent Child I would like to compare the AAL field in T1 with T2 AAL column, If true, then compare T1 Access column with Child column in t2 if match then pass, if not a match then Fail. Basically i want the query to look...
  18. R

    If statement with Dlookup help

    here some code i was playing with. Maybe this will help. Im still new to vba so forgive me if this is messy If Me.AAL = IsNull(DLookup("AAL", "AAL_Matrix", "AAL='" & Me.AAL & "'")) Then Me.Verified_Access_Permission = " AAL Not Found" ElseIf Me.AAL = DLookup("AAL", "AAL_Matrix", "AAL='" &...
  19. R

    If statement with Dlookup help

    the records in the form will be based on another table from a report that shows users access and i am trying to compare them with the data in the parent table to verify if they have the correct access for the AAL they report in
  20. R

    If statement with Dlookup help

    Hello All, I am needing up with coming up with a macro/vba to lookup a value in a table and compare it to a record in a form. Example below Master Table/Parent Table ID AAL Access Level Allowed Access 1 AAL123 Level 1 Access Wire Transfer 1 AAL123 Level 1 Access...
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