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  1. Brianwarnock

    Orlando Shootings

    I have tried to stay away from this thread as over time it has become clear that the arguments of the anti gun control crowd have become ridiculous, even by obviously otherwise intelligent people. will somebody please show me the definition where control = ban. Brian
  2. Brianwarnock

    PBaldy and his growing family tree

    Congrats to Paul and everyone else. Grandkids are fun and as has been noted you can hand them back, if I regenerate I will miss out the middle person. I have two boys aged 5 and 7 and on a recent holiday with them they out ran me, beat me at football and rugby and in the pool, but I am still...
  3. Brianwarnock

    Orlando Shootings

    As one of the Orlando survivors pointed out, he would have killed far less people with a knife, a point too simple for most Americans to grasp. As I said in a post a few years back there is no simple or quick fix as the gun genie is out of the bottle, but unless America recognizes its problem a...
  4. Brianwarnock

    What's your best/worst joke?

    That was a comment about real people, not an impersonal joke, it was not a joke at all. I understand your comment about Blacks and Mexicans but think it was a red herring, the joke was not a statement of belief. I'm going to leave it here as we are never going to agree. Regards Brian
  5. Brianwarnock

    What's your best/worst joke?

    I'm sorry but if we are going to ban jokes that poke fun at things then there will be few left. I grew up in a poor family needing a government grant to pay for my uniform and travel to the grammar school, but I did grow up and became comfortable in my skin, so I can take a joke at my expense...
  6. Brianwarnock

    Can the Reputation comments be read?

    Ridders Assuming the system is the same as it was when I asked about many light years ago then the more posts the giver has the more points he gives, hence new posters give no or few points, I think the theory is a hat they ask simple questions and/or cannot really judge the quality of the...
  7. Brianwarnock

    Update formula

    I'm getting slow in my old age, name the cell that the constant is in and change the formulae to reflect that thus making them clearer. Brian
  8. Brianwarnock

    Update formula

    Hi Ken , long time no speak! Whilst I agree with Ranman256 about using a cell to contain constants that may change , I don't no why you cannot use the find and replace function. I wondered if I was going senile but tried it and it works ,just changes the 1000 to 10000 in each formula. Brian I...
  9. Brianwarnock

    What's your best/worst joke?

    Dick All those days ago when we argued about gun control etc I just knew that one day we would agree on something. Brian
  10. Brianwarnock

    What's your best/worst joke?

    Most jokes poke fun at something, or are rude , or both. if that upsets somebody then stay off the thread. The joke that Frothy took offence at was told on this thread several years ago, I also notice that he didn't mind fun being poked at the Scots. I wonder if he is one of those that likes to...
  11. Brianwarnock

    Deep South Deep Freeze

    LOL I thought for a moment that Colin was on. Brian
  12. Brianwarnock

    Deep South Deep Freeze

    What an amazing thread, any sensible person would have read Doc's first paragraph in his first post for what it was, which was not an attack on the climate change argument , or anything else. I've known people who said " bring it on " when the term Global warmig was used and then wondered about...
  13. Brianwarnock

    Wait for it...

    Unfortunately Paul that includes too many Americans who, if they have read it, do not understand what the second amendment was all about. Brian
  14. Brianwarnock

    Las Vegas

    Sounds like a good argument for restriction; Brian
  15. Brianwarnock

    Is Mr Trump crazy?

    A bit unfair that Doc, it was a case of not knowing rather than not thinking, unfortunately the debate was just a collection of sound bites and Cameron's lies about a reformed EU were more obvious than the leavers' . Brian
  16. Brianwarnock

    Is Mr Trump crazy?

    Not true I still have a full set, well almost, but my eyesight is even worse than it was and so I don't do much any more, the only reason I;m on today was to see if there was a solution to a mail merge filter problem. I'm glad to see that many of the old guys are still around and contributing...
  17. Brianwarnock

    My New Job - Shelf Stacking at Tesco's!

    The next step is for the dog to lick it better.
  18. Brianwarnock

    Far fetched fantasy story

    that's an interesting statement Doc, one which my old grey matter is struggling with, although I think I have a glimmer of what you are saying. is the weighting altered when circumstances change, such as a population shift. Brian
  19. Brianwarnock

    What's your best/worst joke?

    I know this is a little late but not having been on for a while I'm catching up, it's just that I don't think the man in Liverpool would have said "really" Brian
  20. Brianwarnock

    Time to Leave What's App!

    Thanks for the kind words guys, not sure how much I will contribute as my tech skills have declined and are dated, plus I seem to be busier than ever with the grand kids (ages 4 and 6) planning and leading local walks. and helping my new lady friend with her antiques, yes I do question if that...
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