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  1. T

    Trigger all validation rules before submitting a form

    Exactly, thank you
  2. T

    Trigger all validation rules before submitting a form

    Yes, thank you, I will as well work with beforeUpdate, basically re-writing all the rules (now their opposites for blocking possible errors) in VBA. At this point I could have as well avoided to lose time writing the rules... Thought there was a faster and easier solution. Thank you
  3. T

    Trigger all validation rules before submitting a form

    Hello, I have a form with several fields(/combox) and cross-field validation rules. My problem is that some of those fields may end up having a value (usually the default one) that is inconsistent with their validation rule but, not being touched by the user, they never trigger the rule...
  4. T

    Form Field Validation Rule Multiple conditions

    Your magic worked! Thanks!
  5. T

    Form Field Validation Rule Multiple conditions

    Hello, I have 2 fields in a form: [Plan to fill] = can be whatever [Source] = It has to have a value, unless [Plan to fill]="TBD", then it has to be empty. Validation rule in [Source]: ([Source]<>"") Or ([Plan to fill]="TBD" And [Source]="") It doesn't work. Not even with tricks like Len...
  6. T

    Date range query doesn't work when taken from form

    Hello, I have a form with two text boxes where I put two dates. I have also two queries, both of them work via ODBC. One query takes the data from 2 relatively small tables and has no issues with the form date range ("Between [Forms]![Form1]![DateFrom] And [Forms]![Form1]![DateTo]"). A second...
  7. T

    Variable start of the month query, WHERE IF clause

    It makes sense. Writing that hieroglyph drove me crazy enough
  8. T

    Variable start of the month query, WHERE IF clause

    Hello, I have to calculate a sum of deliveries since the beginning of the month. The point is that the first day of the "month" is NOT the 1st, but a day calculated as follows: S M T W T F S| S M T W T F S|S M T W T F S|S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7| x 1 2 3 4 5 6|x x 1 2 3 4 5|x x x 1 2...
  9. T

    Query Not sorting?

    Thank you, plog. A query with an ORDER BY clause is the query itself I posted here. So I guess I will just have to pick the data from it.
  10. T

    Query Not sorting?

    Hello, I have the following query, that runs also on several online tables: SELECT [T1].E1, [T1].E2, [T1].E7, [T1].E8, [T1].E9, [T1].E10, [T2].E9, [T2].E10, [T2].E11, [T2].E12, [T2].E13, [T2].E14, [T2].E15, [T2].E16, [T2].E17, [T2].E18, [T2].E19, [T2].E20, [T2].E21, [T2].E22, [T2].E23...
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