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  1. Auntiejack56

    Weekly Summary

    August 5
  2. Auntiejack56

    Weekly Summary

    Hi, I get the weekly summary of activity "what you have missed" from the forum, but the number of Watercooler and Politics & Current Events threads has taken over. Last summary had 6 Watercooler threads (all about US politics), 2 P&CE threads (about race), and 1 tech thread. Is there an option...
  3. Auntiejack56


    With the text change, you have to make use of the MouseMove event for the button (to change the text), then the MouseMove event for the Detail section of the form (to change it back). Be careful to leave room around your button. If it is too close to another control or border, the MouseMove...
  4. Auntiejack56

    multiple sub forms

    Hi, Solely for the sake of providing a range of examples, this is a button controlled series of subforms. It is all roll-your-own, and there are problems with that, the main one being that I am stuck with 5 buttons unless I rewrite a heap of stuff. On the plus side, the users wanted the big...
  5. Auntiejack56

    How to test program before releasing new version?

    All great ideas for testing. As a former release manager, I note that the OP mentioned 'the moment of release', and confined the question to functional verification. So if I may, I'd add the following: consider running something like Access Detective to compare your new version against Prod...
  6. Auntiejack56

    Create an Addin - xla, COM, VSTO, Office or what

    Thanks, maybe worthwhile to take a closer look at VSTO. My hiccups are to do with deployment and possibly caching - I couldn't get some changes to appear in the pane after repeated rebuilds and restarts. Then I tried repeatedly refreshing and reloading the pane (which was showing the old...
  7. Auntiejack56

    Create an Addin - xla, COM, VSTO, Office or what

    Well, a year and more has gone by, and no-one has risen to this one. I've got the task pane working, and the Excel add-in is starting to do what I want, but there are still hiccups, and I need to know more about how the task panes deploy before I can take this further. Does anybody know of a...
  8. Auntiejack56

    Module Error Handling Question

    Sorry, bug removal, and I should have been clearer that this includes both start and end dates, and if you want holidays then put 'em into a table. If you want to put date ranges for employee holidays into your holiday table (at the moment there is just a StartDate), there will be a chunk more...
  9. Auntiejack56

    Module Error Handling Question

    where are all our mathematicians? Version with no explicit loop ... Function myNetWorkDays(dteStart As Date, dteEnd As Date) As Long Dim i As Long, dteSun1 As Date, dteSat1 As Date Dim nCountAllSaturdays As Long, nCountAllSundays As Long i = Weekday(dteStart) If i > 1 Then dteSun1 =...
  10. Auntiejack56

    ListBox x Subform DoubleClick()

    Ah what a nightmare you are having, and of course in the end it will be something simple. The error you are seeing is often thrown by a query, when the field you are referring to does not exist in the query. The query will be the one your form is based on. Open the query by itself, and check...
  11. Auntiejack56

    ListBox x Subform DoubleClick()

    I see you have Option Explicit, which is great, but you have to explicitly declare your variable, as follows: Dim gvar_Index Then use that in your filter: "txtIndex = " & gvar_Index txtIndex has to be in the query that the form FRM_test is bound to, otherwise boom. (You can lose the squared...
  12. Auntiejack56

    ListBox x Subform DoubleClick()

    Post postscript: if you decide to go with using Conditional Formatting on a datasheet, you will find a fun thing - that is, that the same conditional format formula has to be applied to every column individually to make the whole row show the highlight colour. However, if you enter the formula...
  13. Auntiejack56

    ListBox x Subform DoubleClick()

    Postscript: datasheets can look a bit amateurish because the data is usually bunched up to the left, leaving empty space. To fix this, you can automagically expand the columns to fit - go to the bluebridge website , click the knowledge base menu and select Autosizing Datasheets. The code...
  14. Auntiejack56

    ListBox x Subform DoubleClick()

    Hiya, I wouldn't use a continuous form. Use a datasheet, and set the extreme left column to a hyperlinked record id which, when clicked, opens the record for editing. For an example of how this looks, go to and play the video - at 1:49 you'll see that conditional formatting...
  15. Auntiejack56

    Solved Sequential Numbering

    Hmm. The example I gave has 3 jobs (orders), with lines numbered (each starting from 1) in the Item Number column on the extreme right. Seems ok to me. Jack
  16. Auntiejack56

    Solved Sequential Numbering

    You could also try something like this: And your SQL in qryItems to produce the ordered item numbers would be this: SELECT t.JobID, t.ItemID, t.ItemName, DCount("*","tblItems","JobID = " & [JobID] & " and ItemID<" & [ItemID])+1 AS ItemNumber FROM tblItems AS t ORDER BY t.JobID, t.ItemID...
  17. Auntiejack56

    Migrating backend to an Sql Server

    I'm unsure about how promotional restrictions work in this forum; I've sent you a message with a few details.
  18. Auntiejack56

    Migrating backend to an Sql Server

    I'm sure there are companies out there who cloud convert Access databases. The reason I am sure is that my company is one of them. Runs quick, not expensive. Speed depends on a ton of things.
  19. Auntiejack56

    Searchable report that accepts blank fields

    AND (IsNull([Forms]![FrmCriteria]![EndDate]) OR [Forms]![FrmCriteria]![EndDate] <= [Forms]![FrmCriteria]![EndDate]) that looks weird to me, and might be the reason all this is going haywire. Another way to write it in SQL that works (which might help you) is, for example: WHERE...
  20. Auntiejack56

    Solved Create list of forward payments

    So, correct me if I am wrong, but the junction table is for holding the information that says "Staff member Suzie is looking after Acme Co, and their payout date is the 15th of the month." Here are the made-up names I've given to your tables: As you can see, I've put 2 transactions into the...
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