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  1. F

    Open CSV file from MS Access

    Hi all, I am trying to open a blank excel workbook from MS Access and then bring in the data from another excel file. I need to do this because of the file i need to open is a csv file and if I open it normally i lose leading zeros. I have tried the below code but i cant get it to work. Any...
  2. F

    Stacked query filter to just earliest date row

    Hi there, I have a stacked rows of data in a table and i want the query to just return the entire row of the row with the earliest date. I have tried a varitety of things to achieve this but with no luck. I tried by Group By on just the emp id record and then selecting on first for all the...
  3. F

    Open excel new blank excel workbook from MS Access

    Hi All, How do i open a new instance of an excel workbook from MS Access? I can open workbooks that are already created with the below code but not a new blank workbook:- Set xlWB = .Workbooks.Open(Me.filepathbx & Me.lstFileList.ItemData(i)) Any help would be much appreciated. Regards...
  4. F

    Trying to open excel file from Access - User defined error

    HI there, I am trying to open an excel file from MS Access in MS Excel so I can add some vba to remove the top 3 rows of the excel sheet. However, with the code below I keep getting a "User Defined Type Not Defined" error on the first line of the code. How can I stop this so the code will...
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