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    Minimised Popup form: title

    Hi All, I'm working on a project where a user will typically have a number of minimised instances of an Access popup userform at the bottom of their screen - they're using Access 2016 on Windows 7. I'm setting the form caption in VBA to something appropriate for each instance, which is great...
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    Refresh data in Access from linked Sharepoint 365 List

    Hi All, What's the best practice for refreshing a table linked from a list in Sharepoint 365? I have tried: CurrentDb.TableDefs([table name]).RefreshLink Which works; however: * It is slow and impacts on the performance of Access * It seems to be only applicable to the the particular...
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    Odd performance issue with Access

    Hi guys, I'd appreciate your views on this odd thing... I'm building a system for a transport firm, using MS Powerapps which integrates to an Access app in the office. The system uses a number of Sharepoint lists as the point of integration, using Office 365. The Access DB is not currently...
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    Hi Everybody

    Hi Everybody, My name is Alan Cordwell and I live in Sheffield, UK. I'm a professional freelance developer working mainly on web apps in PHP and MySQL but I do get the occasional job the requires Access and VBA. I find this forum invaluable (what would we do without forums?!) and thought its...
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