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  1. K

    Using ADO on current database but changing Provider to Jet

    How do I use ADO on my current database but change the provider to Microsoft Jet so I can use bookmarks with dynamic cursors? As stated here CurrentProject.Connection defaults to an ODBC provider. Debug.print CurrentProject.Connection gives me: Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 From what I understand...
  2. K

    Quit an Office App but make sure it exists

    Ok thanks everybody, good stuff. But I thought CreateObject will already use an App that's running, so what difference does GetObject make? I don't think anybody understand my question 1. I meant, is it possible to check if a variable is declared before I perform a check on it. For example...
  3. K

    Quit an Office App but make sure it exists

    I have functions that open Office Apps, including Word, Excel, and Project. I've had the problem that sometimes when errors occur the Apps are not properly closed and that ruins the function until I either close the App process in Task Manager, or reboot the system. To this end, I want to...
  4. K

    Radio button group malfunctions when other control in box

    If I have other controls, such as a button or a text box, placed inside the group box for radio buttons, the radio buttons and controls inside the group box will freeze and become unresponsive when I click a radio button, until I set focus on a control outside of the box with a mouse click. I...
  5. K

    Disable click activity when using Do..While pause with OLE Word Doc

    I am using a Do While statement to have Access pause when editing an OLE Word embedded object until the Word window is closed. While the Word program is open, it stays on top of the Access program even if I click on the forms in the access program behind it. This is how I want it, except after...
  6. K

    Open OLE Word hidden for VBA edit

    When I use this code to open an OLE embedded Word document Me![Doc].Verb = acOLEVerbShow Me![Doc].Action = acOLEActivate the MS Word program pops up with the document, but I want it to be hidden because I only want to modify its contents with VBA using Me![Doc].Application.ActiveDocument after...
  7. K

    Getting original value of text field when data entry undone with escape

    The undo can reset to the original value, but the undo event fires before the original value returns. I need an event that fires after the original value is set, so I can get that original value.
  8. K

    Getting original value of text field when data entry undone with escape

    I have subforms that are requeried when the number in a text field on a form is changed using the AfterUpdate event. If the user presses escape on the form after making a change to the text field (regardless of whether that particular text field has focus at the time), I want to requery the...
  9. K

    Extracting raw binary text data from embedded RTF file

    The RTF files I am working with are smaller components of larger projects. When they are opened in Wordpad, I want them to automatically save when I close them, and I want them to close when Access closes. Is there any way to change the program that an OLE Object is opened with? I want OLE...
  10. K

    Extracting raw binary text data from embedded RTF file

    Well I found out that OLE is binary so I would have to convert it to text before I can copy it to my ODBC database. What I want is to edit the file in Wordpad, not Word, because Wordpad is faster, saves smaller RTF files, and I want to prevent advanced features of Word being used that are not...
  11. K

    Extracting raw binary text data from embedded RTF file

    I've been updating a field in a linked ODBC database which takes raw text (I guess it would be called "binary") data from RTF files. That is, the same as opening an RTF document in Notepad and copying the entire file including formatting tags. So far, I've been creating the RTF file in VBA...
  12. K

    Create string using function in calculated field

    I want to create a calculated field that takes two other integer fields in the table, RBeginn and RLength, and creates a string containing a sequence of numbers. For example, if RBeginn is -2, and RLength is 6, the string should contain "-2,-1,0,1,2,3". I've already created a function in a...
  13. K

    Error when inserting formula into excel via VBA

    Nevermind, I found the problem. I was using the foreign language version of the SUM function when assigning the string in VBA code. It keeps turning up that VBA code always requires English versions of functions, which is quite frustrating when even SQL functions must be written in the foreign...
  14. K

    Error when inserting formula into excel via VBA

    I tried xlws.Cells(reccount + 2, "F").Formula = "=SUM(F2:F254)" and xlws.Cells(reccount + 2, "F").Value = "=SUM(F2:F254)" Do I need some kind of formatting to tell it that the string should be treated as a formula? You'd think using the Formula attribute would handle things by itself.
  15. K

    Error when inserting formula into excel via VBA

    So I insert "=SUMME(F2:F254)" into a cell in Excel. When I go to Excel it shows #NAME? in the cell instead of the sum. But when I click on the cell to edit it and then leave the cell without changing anything, the formula suddenly works and it shows the sum. How do I make the formula work...
  16. K

    Include datasheet sort/filter when exporting to Excel file?

    Looks good. Did you make that?
  17. K

    Include datasheet sort/filter when exporting to Excel file?

    But the user is supposed to be able to change the sort and filter at will whenever they view the datasheet. One way or another, they will use the built in sort and filter and expect it to be transferred.
  18. K

    Include datasheet sort/filter when exporting to Excel file?

    How can I include the sort and filter that a user has chosen in a Form's datasheet view when exporting the datasheet into an Excel file? Normally I use DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet for the export, but that only accepts tables or queries. The sort is stored in the form's OrderBy property and the...
  19. K

    Embedding Excel data entry templates in Database and then saving them

    1268 filled out ones based on the blank templates that I want saved in the Access file. The user gets a template to fill out when they set up a new offer in Access. The user uses Excel because its the quickest way to change numbers and see totals on the fly. The Excel docs will need to be...
  20. K

    Embedding Excel data entry templates in Database and then saving them

    ridders, but how would I use the Eval function on individual lines in an access datasheet? Eval is not for runtime, is it? Say, the first 8 rows are for user input, then the 9th row is the total of the first 8 rows, and then a 10th row with a rate for additional costs and an 11th row for that...
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