It is more a common question . Everytime i want to run a database and use 2 different PC's i want to synchronise the other pc for common things like 'login' or changing values in controlfields on the remote form.
I don't know how to run a procedure by changing/updating values in a table by use of data macros. Maybe you have somewhere an example otherwise there maybe is an example on youtube?
Thanks for helping...
I'm not a fan of the form.timer.
It would be nice if there was a function that is executed when you write a value to a table or field on the form.
When you type value's in a field there are several functions like 'on change' but these are not executed when the field is changed when writing a...
The DB is already splitted (Tables in another DB) if that's what you mean.
The Login record in the table (wich is used by both PC's) is changed by PC2 but the field in PC1 is not automatically update
I have a database running on a server. On 2 different PC's i'm running 2 different forms form the same database, one on each PC. I use the same tables.
I have made a login form that i run from PC 1 to login as a user, i write the loginname to a table. On PC 2 i can check this tabel to...
Here some more info.
A Kardex is a warehouse with 60 drawers in a box above each other who will bring the drawers to an opening on demand. There are two kardex next to each other.
The first database runs on a pc where an access program with tasks who controls the kardex en manage the parts and...
Here some more info.
A Kardex is a warehouse with 60 drawers in a box above each other who will bring the drawers to an opening on demand. There are two kardex next to each other.
The first database runs on a pc where an access program with tasks who controls the kardex en manage the parts and...
I understand that is not the perfect solution for my problem. Here is wat i try to realise. The application is Back-end Front. I use one database to manage a warehouse (Kardex). This application controls the electrical magazin and also for looking up the inventory, here the user also needs to...
I'm trying to run a public function from another database (kardexcommands.accdb) by a sub_click function of a button in my local database.
It works fine but every time i push this button a copy of kardexcommands.accdb database opens multiple times and then the functions is called...
How do i call it?
There must be an event triggered when the value changes in the controlfield, then i can execute a function in this event but how do i trigger it?
When i manualy change the value of a field in a form then the event 'afterupdate' of that field will be triggered.
What i want to do is write a value to that field using vba (so not by typing in to the field)
When the value changes by writing to that field then i want to run a function...