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  1. B

    Query date ranges working opposite

    Yes that worked, I have some queries that require time field in addition to the the date fields. On those I used DateValue() + TimeValue() and all seems to be working great. You have been an absolute blessing and I can’t thank you enough.
  2. B

    Query date ranges working opposite

    Short text in the table, but I have a format expression in the query
  3. B

    Query date ranges working opposite

    I am thinking the same thing, some sort of format mismatch. I am working off of US date format, mm/dd/yyyy. I will have to have it cleared by IT, security measures, to the database anywhere. Until I get approval, I am researching options on date formatting. I appreciate your input.
  4. B

    Query date ranges working opposite

    It does not return any data. When I enter 9/1/2018 00:00 - 10/1/2018 00:00 I return 8/31 data, but when I enter 9/1 - 9/2 I return all of 9/1 and 9/10-9/19
  5. B

    Query date ranges working opposite

    Thank you for your responses. I searched between 9/2/2018 and 9/3/2018, data is purged on a monthly so to size of data. It returned everything on 9/2/2018, 9/20/2018-9/29/2018, and the 9/3/2018 00:00
  6. B

    Query date ranges working opposite

    I have a format([Time], “General Date”) so that is matches the date format of General Date in the form I use for the date criteria. The criteria is in my original message.
  7. B

    Query date ranges working opposite

    I have this query that suddenly stopped working, or rather working opposite. I have an expression to (Format[Time], “General Date”) and a criteria of Between [Forms]![frmDateRanges]![startdate] And [Forms]![frmDateRanges]![enddate]. It is run once a month and no longer works. It returns the...
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