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  1. D

    Rich Text Formatting not working in Ribbon

    Hi, I have a bit of an odd one that I've not come across before. I have a textbox set up for Rich Text, however when I click on it to add text the Rich Text Formatting modules in the ribbon are not working. If I right click on the box the ribbon appears as if it's working in that it is no...
  2. D

    Changing images on a Continuous Form

    Hey, I am not sure if what I am trying to do is even possible after some research on it however here goes. I have created comment log database where the user fills in a form and selects a button to rate the customers mood, 1 to 5. Each button has a custom image on it angry to happy. The...
  3. D

    Using a checkbox to further filter a SQL search on a Continuous Form

    Hi, Hoping I can phrase this correctly! I have a table with customer details for a comment log. I have created a subform setup as a continuous form so that a Query brings back all the customers but it then has a criteria in the month column so it brings back results filtering by the month...
  4. D

    Autofill a form with a field if username matches

    Hi, I have a form the pulls the computer username and displays it in a text box. i.e. SmithJ using some VBA code that populates a string with the computer username. In a table I have fields with username, useradminlvl, actualname. I want to match the computer username to these username in...
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