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  1. D

    Storing UserID in forms

    I know this topic has been discussed before, but I guess I am just not understanding the solutions well enough. For my company, I must develop a login form to access the database, which I have done. I want to be able to use the UserName variable during the login to show on another form when a...
  2. D

    Narrowing search using two combo boxes

    I have seen a few threads on this issue online, but they are confusing to me. I work for a medical company with Therapist, and I have been able to display who specializes in a certain area based of a combo box selection. However, I want to further filter/narrow the search results based off the...
  3. D

    Make controls visible/invisible in combo box using VBA

    I am new to VBA. I used code from this site to make subforms visible or invisible based off the selection from a combo box. The issue I am having is that if I select "Therapist" from the Combo12 combo box, the SpecialitiesSubFrm and ModelSubFrm are visible (which is what I want), but they are...
  4. D


    Hello, I have been working with Access for the last year, but I am new to VBA programming. I am hoping to accelerate my learning by networking with knowledgeable people.
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