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  1. G


    Could you not just use an option group on the form at point of entry to allow for only one selection?
  2. G

    RunSQL - Syntax Error

    PDX is correct Date and Week are possibly creating your problems... If you must use them then you should surround them with [] so [Date] :D
  3. G

    Sequential Number

    Your soo going to kick yourself over this :D Test = DMax("[number]", "TABLE1", "number like '" & Ret & "*'") should be Test = DMax("[serial]", "TABLE1", "serial like '" & Ret & "*'") :D
  4. G

    Tab order (pushing tab on form jumps around)

    Goto design view and then goto View menu and choose Tab Order :D
  5. G

    Sequential Number

    Have you renamed any of the fields or the table its self? Otherwise I'd put my money on "number like ' should be "[number] like ' ???
  6. G

    Sequential Number

    Have you missed out the '+1' ??? I've done that before :rolleyes:
  7. G

    Internet synchronization w/out Replication Mngr.

    Mmmm I was very interested in this too but I too have been unable to find any solutions :(
  8. G

    Disable Yes/No Box

    SetWarnings option in Macros or VBA:D Note: Make sure you turn the warnings back on after you have run the query. So in a Macro SetWarnings (No) OpenQuery SetWarnings (Yes) Or in VBA DoCmd.SetWarnings False DoCmd.OpenQuery "Query Name" DoCmd.SetWarnings True
  9. G


    Agreed:D Try moving the tables one at a time to the other side so the table links into the left hand side. You should then see the "1" move to the other side and they won't be overlapping:D
  10. G

    Use Dynamic SQL in TransferSpreadsheet

    Try... Dim db As Database Dim rs As Recordset Set db = CurrentDb Dim mySql As String mySql = "Select mytable.* From myTable Where mytable.[id] = 4" db.CreateQueryDef "temp", mySql DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel97, "temp", "C:\My...
  11. G


    Its not a couple of relationships overlapping? Can you post a screenshot?
  12. G

    Normalization from Excel Spreadsheet

    You select distinct should work as long as you don't include a field that isn't duplicating in your query. Are you including the ID field as part of your distinct query?
  13. G

    Sequential Number

    Actually you can do it using DMAX :p next_number = "V " & Format(Date, "yyww dd ") & Format(IIf(IsNull(DMax("right([MyNumber],3)", "Table1", "left([Mynumber],9)=""V " & Format(Date, "yyww dd") & """")), 0, DMax("right([MyNumber],3)", "Table1", "left([Mynumber],9)=""V " & Format(Date, "yyww dd")...
  14. G

    prompt user for a field

    Yes but I gave him what he asked for ;) You can always use some error handling routine to check names... Also could have a popup form that has a combo box on it containing all the names of the search fields and get around it that way :D
  15. G

    prompt user for a field

    Try dim variablename as string variablename = inputbox("Enter fieldname") Form.Controls(variablename).SetFocus
  16. G

    CTRL and Comma

    The way I have got around this sort of thing is to only allow people to close the form using one of my buttons. Set the forms tag to say 0 then on the forms unload event check for 0 if true then cancel the event. The close button sets the tag to say 1 for example so the close can work. Hope...
  17. G

    Enabled / Locked Properties

    If you set Enabled to False then it greys out the box. However if you set Locked to True then it will gain its original colour back. If you check the two forms I think you will find that is the difference?
  18. G

    Dlookup and Groupby problem

    Try this =DLookUp("[LastVisitDate]","[qryDateOfLastVisit]","[CustomerID]=Form.[CustomerID]")
  19. G

    access 97 out of memory?

    The issue is not with windows at all its Access 97 that has a problem :o
  20. G

    access 97 out of memory?

    Thats your problem... You have TOO MUCH memory:( I have had the same problems here running it on a server. Technet said it is down to having too much memory. (even though it says it doesn't have enough :rolleyes: )
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