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  1. K

    Solved Query Help

    How would I do that?
  2. K

    Solved Query Help

    Thank you for everyone's input in getting me to the end result, if you have suggestions on how to clean up or improve the query I'm happy to hear your ideas. Thanks again :)
  3. K

    Solved Query Help

    So, I've found a workaround, its not elegant but it works (for now). SELECT part_Catalog.PartNbr, part_Catalog.Description, part_Catalog.NSN, part_UICodes.Code AS UI, part_ShelfLifeCodes.Code AS SLC, stock_Locations.Location, part_Catalog.QtyAuthorized AS TAQ, stock_StockDetail.Qty AS [POS...
  4. K

    Solved Query Help

    Appears to be text with a field size of 10. Not sure why they made it 10 when its always a one digit character. The other codes run from 0 thru 9 and A thru Z.
  5. K

    Solved Query Help

    The error message is back, I tried with and without the '' around 0 in part_ShelfLifeCodes.Code
  6. K

    Solved Query Help

    No longer getting the error message, but its returning no results which I know to be incorrect. I've been looking at the data and it appears part_ShelfLifeCodes.Code is padded out with a bunch of spaces, not sure if that makes a difference.
  7. K

    Solved Query Help

    Windows Server 2008 R2
  8. K

    Solved Query Help

    I'm getting this pesky error message:
  9. K

    Solved Query Help

    Thank you but honestly I don't know how to implement the above, here's the current SQL: SELECT part_Catalog.PartNbr, part_ShelfLifeCodes.Code AS SLC, stock_Locations.Location, part_CatalogStatusCodes.Description AS Status, Mid([stock_locations].[Location],9,2) AS LOCATDetail...
  10. K

    Solved Query Help

    At the moment its pulling anything that is falling between 07 and 21 in the LOCATDetail field. I want it to just show results other than 0 that are outside 5A002A thru 5A002G with LOCATDetails 07 and 21. I'm thinking you meant Stock_Locations.Locations whilst I agree with you, the field is free...
  11. K

    Solved Query Help

    Need some assistance please, trying to write a query to filter data against several fields. Field 1 is called 'SLC' and I want to find all records that aren't '0'. Field 2 is called 'Location' and I want it to only look for the above records outside of 5A002A, 5A002B, 5A002C, 5A002D, 5A002E...
  12. K

    Solved Compare Dates in Two Tables

    SELECT [SPOL01 Shelf Life Batches].PartNbr, [SPOL01 Shelf Life Batches].Batch AS [SPOL Batch], [SPOL01 Shelf Life Batches].[Batch Qty] AS [SPOL Batch Qty], [SPOL01 Shelf Life Batches].ExpirationDate AS [SPOL Exp Date], [POS Shelf Life Batches].BatchLot AS [POS Batch], [POS Shelf Life...
  13. K

    Solved Compare Dates in Two Tables

    Thank you for tips, I've managed to get the query to work as expected.
  14. K

    Solved Compare Dates in Two Tables

    Good Afternoon. I need some assistance please. I have two tables (SPOL and POSSL) containing shelf-life expiration dates for various products. The dates are stored in a field named ExpDate and both have a common field of PartNbr to match against. I need the query to compare the dates between the...
  15. K

    SubForm using Crosstab Query (Dynamic Column Problem)

    Thank you. I can't see any design details for the Child0 subform, I was hoping to replicate this process with other similar data. I imported the subform Child0 into my form and tried linking on ID and CatalogID however I received the attached error. I can't see / don't understand what I'm doing...
  16. K

    SubForm using Crosstab Query (Dynamic Column Problem)

    Oh wow, that’s totally my mistake, sorry. I’d been working on reports all week and had them on the mind. I’m this scenario/requirement it’s a subform.
  17. K

    SubForm using Crosstab Query (Dynamic Column Problem)

    Thank you, I've tried applying this to a Form, however having problems with the data fields showing an error. What am I doing wrong?
  18. K

    SubForm using Crosstab Query (Dynamic Column Problem)

    Hello all. I'm trying to create a subreport linked by field [CatalogID] from a crosstab query. The columns of the query are dynamic and I'm struggling to get the subreport to function correctly when the data changes in field [Year]. I've attached screenshots of the crosstab query and of the data...
  19. K

    Solved Compare Queries

    Thank you!
  20. K

    Solved Compare Queries

    Hi all. I'm trying to categorize order data and compare rush orders against previous order history. I've created two queries 'Rush' and 'Orders' to gather only the orders I'm interested in. What I'd like to do now is categorize each line in the 'Rush' query to determine if the ordered part has...
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