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  1. Joe Boatman

    Access Office 365 64 Bit Random Crashes whilst 32 Bit All OK

    "MS removing support for the 32 bit version" is a good point but I think that until MS change their APIs to 64 bit we will be OK. Once MS have APIs compatible with Access & VBA 64 bit, then we can switch over.
  2. Joe Boatman

    Access Office 365 64 Bit Random Crashes whilst 32 Bit All OK

    This is from my documentation - hope it helps 32-bit and 64-bit Windows and Office 09 May 2019 Office 2016 comes in 32-bit and 64-bit versions. OurDb has been created in 32-bit VBA which should only be installed on 32-bit or 64-bit machines. See Working with VBA in the 32-bit and 64-bit...
  3. Joe Boatman

    Access Office 365 64 Bit Random Crashes whilst 32 Bit All OK

    In my experience, Access VBA doesn't work well if you have API calls which are mainly 32 bit. I found some postings about this and suggested methods which I tried to implement but it was a lot of work and I found it simpler to install 32 bit Office. I will look for links to help and update this...
  4. Joe Boatman

    Outlook VBA routines Part 3 - the support functions

    Thanks, P. I've added them.
  5. Joe Boatman

    Check the URL before opening a website!

    Using the built-in VBA hyperlink routine is useful - in one click the web page is opened by the default browser. But if the URL is incorrect then either Access or the browser may display a message which most users will not understand (including me). I prefer to test the URL first so I authored...
  6. Joe Boatman

    VBA Routine Returns URL Anatomy

    What's the anatomy of a URL? Whatever the rules are, it seems you can type many variants into the URL address bar of most browsers and still get the site you wanted! I've also found different names for the various URL parts. Thanks to for his dissemination. So I authored a...
  7. Joe Boatman

    Re-building an Access Database

    In addition to using Compact to reduce the size of an Access database, all the 'objects' can be imported into a new database with a dramatic reduction in size. Consider doing this having installed a new version of MS Access or after several modifications or when the database gets corrupted...
  8. Joe Boatman

    Solved The Integer Overflow Issue

  9. Joe Boatman

    Link to Outlook Contacts - Add Fields

    Hi Tskutnik. Attached is the code that I hope will help. In modOutlook you will find apGetContactFromOutlook() which looks at various fields in Outlook's contacts. Stop at the line "sName = .FullName" and view the Locals window to see all the field names in the oContact section. You will find...
  10. Joe Boatman

    Solved The Integer Overflow Issue

    I confirm: it's bizarre! I changed the code as below and still get error 8: nLong = CLng(32767 + 1) 'Also Err 8 This works: nLong = CLng(32768) Fortunately we don't often type numbers into code. I look forward to your comments after you paste my code into an Access VBE module and step...
  11. Joe Boatman

    Solved The Integer Overflow Issue

    Two Integers multiplied or added together must not exceed 32,767, even if assigned to a Long variable, or run-time error 8 occurs. In the following code n1 and n2 are Integer types - they can hold numbers from -32,768 to +32,767. So if 1 is added to an integer variable that is set to 32767 it...
  12. Joe Boatman

    Glasgow, UK

    Glasgow, UK
  13. Joe Boatman

    Link to Outlook Contacts - Add Fields

    Useful. So what are you looking for? I can send you my Outlook code as an accdb file and you can step through the code for learning purposes...
  14. Joe Boatman

    Link to Outlook Contacts - Add Fields

    Sounds interesting! The code I published simply pulls contacts out of Outlook and into a table in Access. Can you elaborate on the phones bit? Do the phones use Outlook as the email client? And how does DRM info on Access currently get to Outlook and/or phones?
  15. Joe Boatman

    Link to Outlook Contacts - Add Fields

    Do you want to keep them in synch? I've always used a database to keep contacts and if I want to email a contact, I click a link which opens a new message in Outlook.
  16. Joe Boatman

    I'm new (and still shiny)

    Thank you jdraw
  17. Joe Boatman

    I'm new (and still shiny)

    Thank you Uncle Gizmo - I appreciate your reply, especially after getting no views at all on Google Sites website which is at (if you can re-assemble that). At least if you visit it I will get 1 hit!! Do you think the site owner could have trusted contributors? Anyway...
  18. Joe Boatman

    I'm new (and still shiny)

    Thank you Gasman (y)
  19. Joe Boatman

    Outlook VB Routines Part 5 - modVARS

    This is a place for global variables in my programs. Copy and paste into a module called modVARS. Option Compare Database Option Explicit 'GLOBAL CONSTANTS Public Const gcontblImport As String = "tblContacts" Public Const gconPw As String = "MyDatabasePasssword" Public Const...
  20. Joe Boatman

    Outlook VBA routines Part 4 - modFunctions #1

    These routines can be copied into modFunctions - they support the routine called apContactFetchFromOutlook which puts predetermined fields from Outlook contacts into an Access database table. Because the system doesn't allow more than 10,000 characters, I've attached the module below as...
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