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  1. P

    Access 2021 setup

    Just tried this and it works thanks👍 So when I need full access, I simply change the file back to the accdb extension, make any changes then back to accdr etc, right
  2. P

    Access 2021 setup

    Hi, I’ve recently upgraded to Access 2021 on my laptop and require full access to the tables, forms, queries etc as I am both the designer and administrator plus Access 2021 runtime Before I installed Access runtime, I had full access etc but since I’ve added runtime, I don’t seem to be able to...
  3. P

    32 bit to 64 bit?

    Yes I’ve installed as 32 bit on my test system at home and like you said, upgrade was ‘a piece of cake’, but before I install on my works environment, just wanted to check….. Think it’s going to be safer to leave as is thanks
  4. P

    32 bit to 64 bit?

    Thanks for your offer, think I may leave at 32
  5. P

    32 bit to 64 bit?

    Just wondering if this is possible….. We currently have Access 2010 database and runtimes installed as 32 bit but are upgrading to access 2021 on all PC’s Is it possible to install as 64 bit and if so, will our database still work
  6. P

    New install Access 2021

    Thanks for that but really don’t want to remove Access 2010 as want two versions until I’m happy with test I’m told it shouldn’t overwrite I’m going to try on another pc thanks
  7. P

    New install Access 2021

    Hi, Just wondering if anyone has encountered problems in actually installing Access 2021 my current version is Access 2010 I try to mount the img file using setup32.exe and it just locks….. Any advice would be greatly appreciated many thanks Peter
  8. P

    Left click

    Thanks all, sorted and already ran 92 times👍
  9. P

    Left click

    Hi, I have a routine that has been in use for many years and I’m trying to automate it and I’m 98% there with a macro The last part of the routine opens an existing form and I want to simply click a field, which itself opens up another form where the remaining macro actions run
  10. P

    Left click

    Hi, does anyone know how to Sendkey a mouse left click within a macro
  11. P

    Sendkeys not working

    theDBguy & Isaac, thanks for your assistance/comments…… I have changed the form designs and put the Sendkeys within a Function (see attachment) and I’m pleased to report that it works great The operator will be so pleased that all they have to do now is type in the inspection report they wish...
  12. P

    Sendkeys not working

    Sorry again, I’m going to have to get used to putting full details for you guys to help you understand Before the Sendkeys, I told it to go to control ITEM, which then only need4 right moves😉 Do you think code could do it? I’ve never used SelTop or SelHeight but still presume the paste issue...
  13. P

    Sendkeys not working

    Trying to create a copy and paste routine but make it as automated as possible…. The operator opens form NISFeatureDataFrm and selects the data rows required for copying, which is VARIABLE They would then click a form button which copies the data (Sendkeys “^c”)then opens another form...
  14. P

    Sendkeys not working

    Still have the Sendkeys “^V” issue though
  15. P

    Sendkeys not working

    Just changed it to uppercase…. Sendkeys “{RIGHT 4}”, False and it worked however when I add next line of code Sendkeys “^V” it doesn’t 😬
  16. P

    Sendkeys not working

    No sorry, it does have both, missed it off this message😬 Sendkeys “+{Right 4}”, True
  17. P

    Sendkeys not working

    Wonder if anyone can help me with this code I have in an Event Procedure Sendkeys “+{Right 4}, True the shift element isn’t working as the cursor just moves right 4
  18. P

    Numbering a sub form record

    Hi Pat, wonder if you could help me again on this…… The GENERATECOMP button is working great however I have noticed an issue and although not really affecting the system, it doesn’t look right I’ll try my best to explain😬 When we click the button, it creates the correct number of component...
  19. P

    Hidden/locked command button

    Sorry, learning how to answer replies correctly, as sometimes miss info you guys need….. I’d like the button to be disabled (hidden sounds best), after it’s been pressed once for that inspection report number, even when the same record is reopened When a new Inspection Report No is created, the...
  20. P

    Hidden/locked command button

    Okay, I’ll try to explain….. This main form opens when selected from another project form and becomes a unique record and is given an Inspection Report No The user fills required data in the green cells There are three subforms and relevant data is entered on the Feature Information subform The...
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