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  1. Y

    Changing the link address of several tables

    Thanks again. When I create the tables in a module I also adapt the basic queries in that module . All other queries / reports / forms depend on those basic queries and stays unchanged.
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    Changing the link address of several tables

    I am convinced your solution will be the best one in other cases. But for me , after a while (lot of testing and verifying reports by users) I don't need the bad files anymore . At the end of a period I will only keep the good one by that period.
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    Changing the link address of several tables

    Thank you all very much for the valuable responses. it is clear to me that there are several good solutions to my problem. I will test them all and see which one works best for me. At first glance, creating a basic query, using the new table, so that all the other queries and reports refer to...
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    Changing the link address of several tables

    Hello, I have made a lot of queries on several tables. The data is coming from pdf files . When there is a new pdf file there will be created a new table with the name of the pdf file. . The tables are all in the same access db (2016). To use the queries I would like to link the new table to the...
  5. Y

    Linking dbf files

    Yes A2016 had that possibility. I found the problem . It was one of the dbf files which was corrupt. Not easy to find (several 100 files) but it works again. Thanks for thinking with me..
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    Linking dbf files

    Thanks . I have that software but I really need the link. Updates , creations and deletes have to work. Re-importing into the dbf-files gives problems. .
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    Linking dbf files

    Thanks for your help. Yes I can export the files, but I need to update the dbf files via access as well. So I need a direct link access-dbf.
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    Linking dbf files

    The dbf files are still updated on regular times and new tables are created. Using external data / Database / Dbase gives the same problem when importing. I can import the data via a work around but that is not workable . They need to be linked . Linking was okay until a some days ago. The...
  9. Y

    DBase III import to Access

    I still run a very old application with Dbase III files under Windows 10 , thanks to VDOS from Jos Schaars . Maybe it can help you.
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    Linking dbf files

    When linking to a dbf file in Access 2016; I get now (-until 10 days ago it worked fine-) the error message "A disk or network error has occurred. To continue, you must close the database and then reopen it". I get this error using ‘external data / database / dbase. If I want to create the link...
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    Keeping my finances in the right direction .. Now I am trying to add stuff in access ..
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    Hello , as a retired programmer I started developping a personal application in access 2016 where tables are linked to old dbf files.
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