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  1. C

    Dcount Null

    Hi, I'm hitting a bit of a problem. I have this formula on VBA: ngultig = DCount("*", sTblName, mFB & " < " & sExpired) It works and it gives me the right results but I wanted it not only to count the values inferior to sExpired but also the fields that are empty/null on that column. Is...
  2. C

    Show Null Values

    Hi, I have made a query: SELECT tblPerson.PersonName AS Name, Last(tblPersonCert.CertDate) AS Datum FROM tblPerson INNER JOIN (tblCert INNER JOIN tblPersonCert ON tblCert.CertID = tblPersonCert.CertID) ON tblPerson.PersonID = tblPersonCert.PersonID GROUP BY tblPerson.PersonName...
  3. C

    Solved Add a SQL INSERT INTO command

    Hi, I already got a lot of help in the forums and following the advice I have normalised my tables. I'm trying to write some vba script to add new records to a table but it's failing and I can't figure out why. This is the code: Dim sCertID As String Dim sPersonID As String Dim sCertDate As...
  4. C

    Multiple Checkboxes to add multiple entries on a Table

    Hi, I'm quite new to Access but after trying to having some problems doing a couple of reports I was recommended on this forum to Normalize the structure of the tables. I've done that and I can do all the reports I wanted but now I'm having another problem. I wanted that on form frmEDIT...
  5. C

    DCount with column as a Variable

    Hi, I'm quite new to this VBA thing. I have created this function so that I can count how many users have expired certifications. i need to check in diferent columns acording to the selection on a dropdown that declares the mFB variable. Public Function CountGultig() mFB =...
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