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  1. S

    Open report using parameter passed by another procedure

    To start this process I have a procedure to generate a set of Customer IDs within a date range; this correctly retrieves the ones needed. I want it then to pass each Customer ID to another Test procedure to generate a report. Private Sub cmdEmailRequested_Click() Dim dbs As DAO.Database Dim...
  2. S

    Sending multiple versions of report by email

    I currently have a report for Debtors that lists everyone currently owing money. The report is based on qryDebtors and contains many Customers and details of each of their unpaid invoices. The date range to be applied is selected from a general form frmSales. The report has so far been...
  3. S

    JDM Hello

    First post. I'm an Access technical user with a small number of clients but frequent questions!
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