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  1. tltanhueco1990

    Scenario to RDBMS in SQL Server

    Good day, everyone! I have this new project where I need to turn these scenarios into a DB with ERDs by CREATE DATABASE/CREATE TABLE without typing any actual queries, but all tables are in a one-to-many relationship: I need to set associated primary keys and foreign keys to each other...
  2. tltanhueco1990

    Solved Multiple MonthName() in a Single Query using MS Access?

    Hello to everyone who's in the query forums! I'm a new user here. Really new, that I have to ask if it's possible to do multiple MonthName() in a single query. I'm trying to produce an output where the numerical months turn to MonthName(), but alas. Only 1 month is being shown. Here's what...
  3. tltanhueco1990

    Good Day!

    My name is Timothy, but everyone calls me "Tim" from the Philippines. I just career shifted from a Hospitality degree to an IT one. Currently enrolled at a Masters in Information Technology and is new to the world of MS Access. I may post questions and answer some at selected forums from...
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