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  1. E

    Solved form in navigation pane... is a pain ?

    Hi. That's not related to the SQL code I posted. You have something set up incorrectly. You could make a new thread for that. Get ready to post a sample database, because it'll be easier to figure out that way.
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    Solved form in navigation pane... is a pain ?

    It does not seem like you're using two different forms, so why don't you just modify the SQL statement for cboSiteTitle to: SELECT CustomerSite.CustomerSiteID, CustomerSite.SiteTitle FROM CustomerSite WHERE (((CustomerSite.[CustomerID])=[cboCustomerName])); You could do that because both...
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    OOP in Access Applications

    In my opinion, nobody learns classes by not writing classes. To understand what classes do, one must actively write them regardless of others' views on their purpose. Additionally, classes aren't always designed with reuse across projects in mind, if instancing something makes sense, then you...
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    OOP in Access Applications

    You might not require Reminder_Date. Since Reminder_Date depends on Due_Date, Reminder_Date could be a calculated field or it could be something a form or something else takes care of by looking at Due_Date.
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    Solved Backup after 6x

    Strategies in order of convenience: 1. Log sessions in a table 2. Log sessions in an external file 3. Log sessions in a registry key 4. Log sessions on the internet The idea is to make the count of sessions persist. Once you choose a strategy, choose when to store the session. For example, you...
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    A dream: What I do miss about Access.

    Take a look at Twin Basic. You could create an Add-In that helps with some of those. However, I do certainly believe the VBE is outdated as hell. VBE > Code folding: collapsing blocks of code > Multi cursor: editing multiple parts of the code simultaneously with the same keystrokes > Listing...
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    Solved OpenArgs From SubF.CurrentRecord[FieldName]

    Maybe the referencing is done differently in those cases. If you have any sample, I could check it out for A2016 and A2021.
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    Embedding a linked document in a report

    Yes, I understand you want to show the associated files somehow in your report. I've never used the feature you mention, but I've known some have managed to show Word and PDF documents through the browser control. But since the browser control seems invisible in print preview, I suggested the...
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    Embedding a linked document in a report

    Maybe take a screenshot programmatically and replace the web browser control with an image control that shows the screenshot. Just an idea.
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    What would be the best design to accomplish this "Yes/No" style checklist?

    You could have 3 tables: facilities, inspectors and inspections. Storing the entire checklist in the inspections table, though unconventional, may actually be a viable solution. While it might seem like a sacrilege, validly, the reality is that many inspection lists rarely change. In fact, some...
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    Passing form's Data to different forms in a project

    Let's say that button's click event code looks like this: DoCmd.OpenForm "FormName" You might have other stuff there, but it seems you want that form to know who called it. One strategy is to pass the name of the form through the OpenArgs parameter of DoCmd.OpenForm like this. DoCmd.OpenForm...
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    Should I Learn MS Access in the AI Era?

    Well, let's say it's complicated. Access does not have it easy. But those who learned it know it can do lots of things very well, despite doing a few things really bad.
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    Should I Learn MS Access in the AI Era?

    I mean, just go to the survey, there is a wealth of data to make an informed decision about AI and what to learn. Benefits of AI tools Accuracy of AI tools AI tools' ability for complex tasks AI in the development workflow
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    Should I Learn MS Access in the AI Era?

    That list was generated based on the following survey question: The list we'd like Access to appear in is Other frameworks and libraries, but Access isn't even there, sadly. The lists are attached. By the way, the survey includes enough data to make an informed decision about AI and how it's...
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    Solved OpenArgs From SubF.CurrentRecord[FieldName]

    Try this Private Sub btnInSubF_Click() DoCmd.OpenForm "ChildFName", , , "FieldName_FK=" & Me.Parent.FieldName_FK End Sub Make sure the FieldName_FK field exists in the parent form.
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    Should I Learn MS Access in the AI Era?

    Hear me out. The forum owner recently mentioned that traffic has increased, but as someone who enjoys a good challenge, I haven't seen that many challenges here lately. Could it be that more people have adopted Access thanks to the AI? And therefore, since the AI helps solve issues, they don't...
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    Pasar datos de un formulario a otro

    Qué tal, David No está muy clara tu pregunta. ¿En tu segundo formulario YA APARECE el número de empleado, nombre y otros campos? O ¿En tu segundo formulario QUIERES QUE APAREZCA el número de empleado, nombre y otros campos? Cualquiera que sea tu respuesta, ¿Qué quieres hacer una vez que...
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    Text with shadow in Access Form.

    Pues sí, en efecto, un misterio. Abrí el archivo varias veces y abrí el formulario varias veces también. No pude reproducir el efecto sombra que te está saliendo a tí en tu aplicación. Veamos si alguien lo puede reproducir. En esta versión que subiste, ¿Sigues teniendo el mismo problema...
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    Text with shadow in Access Form.

    Bueno, como no podemos ver tu archivo, agrega este procedimiento a tu formulario o un módulo Private Sub EncontrarControles() Dim ctl As Control Dim t As String For Each ctl In Me.Controls If TypeName(ctl) = "Textbox" Then t = t & "Txt " & ctl.Name & ": " &...
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    Text with shadow in Access Form.

    Leyendo las notas que parecen ser pendientes de desarrollo, supongo que hablas español. Como podrás ver, estamos haciendo conjeturas de lo que te está pasando, la más lógica es que tengas una etiqueta (o control de texto) sobrepuesta(o) sobre otra(o) con fuentes ligeramente distintas. La única...
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