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  1. H

    Solved Delete unwanted characters in the TextBox Value

    Hello, I have this code to open a conversation with customers on WhatsApp through the WhatsApp application, CreateObject("Shell.Application").Open "" & Me.tbMobNum & "/?text=" & Me.tbWaMessage As you can see, I have the customer's number in the TextBox, But the number format in...
  2. H

    Solved Auto Create record in TblOrderDetails for the order when we create it in TblOrder

    Hello, I have a database that includes the following tables: Table 1: Customers (CustomerID, FirstName, LastName, Number) The primary key is CustomerID Table 2: Orders (OrderID, CustomerID, TheProduct, Quantity, OrderDate) The primary key is OrderID Table 3: OrdersDetails (OrderID...
  3. H

    Query joins and Table relationships

    When I created a query, the program by default created a relationship between my two tables In Query DesignView, But when I opened the relationships from Database Tools > Relationships, I did not actually find this relationship and it does not exist in the tables either. When I delete this...
  4. H

    Solved If the customer's name exists, Get his record to add data to his subform which related to another table

    Hello, I have these two tables and this form, I want that if I write the name of an already existing customer, That is, the program will bring his record to the main form (his ID & Number...etc) to be able to modify his order in subform without having to search for the customer through the...
  5. H

    Solved Make sure to fill out two text boxes before saving the record

    Hello, I have two text boxes, one called "MobileNumber" and the other called "Requests". What command should I type in "Before Update" Event to prevent the Access from saving the record until they are filled together? Thank you in advance..
  6. H

    Two Text Box required to save the record, But an error message appears "No current record" if one of them not filled

    Hello, I have these three tables: And this is the relationship between them: And this is what the form looks like: There are two text boxes required to save the record, which are Mobile and The Order Each one is in a different Table. When I open the form and fill in the Mobile without...
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