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  1. Mr Ancovy

    Mailmerge mess

    I don't know. Instructions are pretty shonky tbh : "How to use: Simply merge (I assume he means export) the 2 forms and 2 modules of code into your application. Then place a button on you ms-access form with the following ONE LINE code. ?!? MergeSingleWord ?!? In what context? As macro...
  2. Mr Ancovy

    Mailmerge mess

    Thanks for that idea, I don't know what the matter is with it - maybe it's just such old code. I edited the declaration to allow for PtrSafe/ Longptr. But still get "compile error- type mismatch" at temppath = Space(255) ' initialize the buffer to receive the path slength =...
  3. Mr Ancovy

    Mailmerge mess

    Can I reply to messages with links in them yet:cautious:
  4. Mr Ancovy

    Mailmerge mess

    Das ist perfekt. Danke Sehr (y) Although, for your future reference: I did have to switch the R after Herr. Huiii, Deutsche sprache is so verdammnt komplitziert. ;) Die förmliche Anrede in Brief, Fax oder E-Mail lautet: Sehr geehrter Herr Hofmeier Sehr geehrte Frau Riedmüller Sehr geehrte...
  5. Mr Ancovy

    Mailmerge mess

    So I also have just another (small, hopefully) thing to iron out. I have been trying to make a calculated query ( im guessing using "Iif" is the way. I have tried getting help from some YT tut's but my need is not based on a math / numerical calc. For the Letter intro there is 2 options : 1...
  6. Mr Ancovy

    Mailmerge mess

    Sorry for late reply Edgar, I looked into your idea, that also seems ideal. It doesnt matter that it isnt mailmerge, just as long as the info goes into a word doc, which your version appears to do ok. However I am a bit stuck with tweaking the code to fit into my application, maybe cos i'm...
  7. Mr Ancovy

    Mailmerge mess

    Performing the whole procedure for each record individually would also be an option, where just clicking when focussed on a single record executes the whole procedure of inserting fields into doc, exporting as pdf, then clearing up / refreshing. Do you have any idea the best code for that please?
  8. Mr Ancovy

    Mailmerge mess

    FYI, the post above is reply to your other post. thx
  9. Mr Ancovy

    Mailmerge mess

    That tek tips link looks very promising, pretty much sums up perfectly what i want to do. I did come to realise from that, at least I needed to select the word library too. So, many thanks for that pointer I tried adapting the code to fit my database, but it doesnt like some syntax in the sql...
  10. Mr Ancovy

    Mailmerge mess

    Im trying to post a reply, but cant. System tells me it thinks it could be spam :cautious:
  11. Mr Ancovy

    Hi CJ, I just tried to post a reply from a reply to an earlier post I made just yesterday. But...

    Hi CJ, I just tried to post a reply from a reply to an earlier post I made just yesterday. But there seems to be a glitch, system reckons its spam. Would you be able to assist please? TVM
  12. Mr Ancovy

    Mailmerge mess

    Because it would be simpler to use a word doc with dynamic fields rather than boxes that don't sync in exactly to form a neat letter. Considering some addresses have one 1 line, others 2, formatting in the reports would be more aggro. I don't see why this needs to be such a major headache when...
  13. Mr Ancovy

    Mailmerge mess

    Hi all, I am just at my wits end. Sorry I am quite a noob with this VBA and have been going round in circles for days now, scouring forums and asking for AIs help (that was painful). I am trying to create a button in Access (Office 16 version) which: - Mailmerges fields from my query into a...
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