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  1. K

    Group tables

    It works Perfect!!!
  2. K

    Group tables

    Appreciate a lot your help, the solution of jdelano it works perfect!
  3. K

    New but Old

    Hi guys, I'm new and this community, but using MS Access for many years (+20), I hope to learn a lot with you guys!
  4. K

    Group tables

    Hi Guys, I'm trying to group a table, but it´s impossible for me... I have this table: Car From To Color Ford 1 2 Red Ford 2 3 Red Ford 4 5 Blue Ford 6 7 Blue Ford 8 9 Blue Ford 10 11 Blue Ford 12 13 Red Ford 14 15 Red Ford 16 17 Green Ford 18 19 Green Ford 19 20 Blue...
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