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    sorting form by ID

    thanks again o1110010 :)
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    sorting form by ID

    does anyone know how to sort the form by ID #? I made a query before i made a new form and now its sorted by the query instead of the ID # :(
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    Form header background

    actually im using webspace provided by my ISP :)
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    Control cannot be edited; it's bound to unknown field/expression

    Does anyone know what would cause this error and how to fix it :( ? I'm trying to use a form that can insert text in multiple tables
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    Form header background

    i decided to just make a new form with a standard form picture and now its possible to change the background color :cool:
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    Form header background

    yup, here it is: and when i go to the regular view, i see the color flash but then it goes back to the template:
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    Form header background

    I tried changing the color via properties, but it doesnt do anything :( Would it be because I used a wizard to generate the form and then i used one of their templates?
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    Form header background

    Does anyone know how to change the background of a form header :o ?
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    field too small?

    thanks again o1110010, ur the best :D
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    deleting relationships?

    haha lmao i knew someone would say something like that :D
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    field too small?

    I got an error message that says "The Field is too small to accept the amount of data you attempted to add. Try inserting or pasting less data." Anyone know how I can remedy this :) ? I was using a combo box btw.
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    newbie question

    oh i finally got to work :D now i know why i hate programming lol
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    newbie question

    oh one more thing "SELECT tblGenre.txtGenre FROM tblGenre;" Could u could explain that :o ?
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    deleting relationships?

    is it possible to delete relationships once they are made?
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    newbie question

    so do u create the form first or the relationship first :o ?
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    newbie question

    omg how did u do that? :eek: i just don't get how u did this part:
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    newbie question

    do u think u could show me how :D i uploaded my database here
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    newbie question

    ^^^ ya, that's exactly what im trying to do o1110010 :) , but i cant seem to get it to work, how would i make it a row source :o ? edit: this is to post 7, and thanks for welcome ;)
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    newbie question

    hi jazz, would it possible to do that in a table too?
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    newbie question

    I'm trying to create a table so that when you enter data, its a pull down menu so you just select when you want instead of typing it. For example, the Fields are Movie, Actor and Movie Genre and for Movie Genre, you can then select Science Fiction, Action, Comedy, Romance, Horror, etc... which i...
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