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  1. apr pillai

    Unsolved: Manipulate chart object via code (MS Graph) on a FORM

    I am not sure this is useful to you now. It was published in 2008, take a look at it if you have some spare time:
  2. apr pillai

    Unsolved: Manipulate chart object via code (MS Graph) on a FORM

    I am not this is useful to you now. This Article was published in 2008, take a if you have spare time:
  3. apr pillai

    Set focus not working

    I think the Exit Event (Sub TextScanner_Exit(Cancel As Integer)) will work. At the end of the Process Set the Cancel Parameter to True ( Cancel = True). The Focus will stay in the TextScanner TextBox.
  4. apr pillai

    Running Totals

    Please check whether this example is useful:
  5. apr pillai

    How to Sequential Numbering that includes Month Year and resets every year

    An example, may be helpful with few changes:
  6. apr pillai

    Move to next record after delete

    When you delete a record (say current record EmployeeID=5) on the Form, selecting the Recordselector of the Form manually and pressing the Delete Key will make the next record EmployeeID 6 become current on the Form automatically. If you want to do the same thing through the Form's...
  7. apr pillai

    VBA to Print a specific page to printer or pdf

    Check this Link for an example of how to Print the Report Page in PDF Format:
  8. apr pillai

    Code for print report select from list box

    Try out this Code with changes: Private Sub Command4_Click() Dim j As Integer Dim strReport As String For j = 0 To List2.ListCount - 1 If List2.Selected(j) Then strReport = List2.Column(0, j) DoCmd.OpenReport strReport, acViewReport End If Next End Sub
  9. apr pillai

    Create a union query

    Check this Union Query Demo and the Rules goes with it in building the Query:
  10. apr pillai

    Talking to ChatGBT

    I think a better approach is to ask a few leading questions on a particular topic first, before giving out the intended target question. It may or may not come up with more or less acceptable result. If the result is not fully acceptable reframe the question.
  11. apr pillai

    why when I press Enter key while a report is open, access exits and creates a back up??

    I am using Access 2016, have this problem of quiting and taking a Backup of the database, when I make some changes on the Form design or some changes in the Code then attempt to close the Form w/o saving the changes, it will prompt whether to save the changes or discard. If the save option is...
  12. apr pillai

    Hide a label on a report when printing

    A quick thought, On the "A" button click Event set a Temporary Variable with some flag value like 1 or 0. Write the Code on the OnFormat pass of the Report Section, where the Label is, check the Tempvar value and based on the set value hide/undide the Label. Report Class Module Code Example...
  13. apr pillai

    How to gracefully handle errors generated when opening a form with linked data?

    You have not shared the Form_Open() Event Procedure or the Error handling segment to take a look at them. Anyway, assuming that the following blog post, that explains what to do in such eventualities, is a solution for MDB BE file on LAN, hope it will help you to sort out your issue yourself...
  14. apr pillai

    VBA to add Totals to subform

    Check this Blogpost can help you out:
  15. apr pillai

    Report spillover when printing

    Check the Paper Size and Margin Settings of the Report on the PC with the printing problem. Report Setup Help from Microsoft: I used this procedure to correct the Page orientation on the shared Network Printer. I used...
  16. apr pillai

    Export Access Query to Excel including Conditional Formatting

    You may use the following syntax to avoid errors while exporting to Excel. DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, _ acSpreadsheetTypeExcel12Xml, tblName, xlsPath, True Give Excel File Extension to .xlsx A detailed discussion of TransferSpreadSheet Command, sample VBA Code and some...
  17. apr pillai

    Welcome to 4 new VIPs!

    Thank you very much.
  18. apr pillai

    AllowEdits - False not firing

    Try executing a Forms!RoboMasterEntry.Refresh after setting Forms!RoboMasterEntry.AllowEdits = False , to lock the Form again after editing the TextBox contents.
  19. apr pillai

    Drag and Drop

    Windows TreeView and ListView Controls have some Drag and Drop actions with VBA Code:
  20. apr pillai

    Solved Search as you type inside a Combo Box

    This example filters data by character matching data from the left-side, check whether it helps to solves your issue.
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