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  1. A

    SQL Query Joins

    That was my thoughts also see the attachement and on page 13 and 14 is where this is coming from. Which shows the originial query in my 1st posting. So I'm not sure how this could have worked, I'm thinking there is a typo somewhere in referring the loops and except table. As always queries...
  2. A

    SQL Query Joins

    Now I'm up to this error... Server: Msg 1013, Level 15, State 1, Line 10 Tables or functions 'schedheader' and 'schedheader' have the same exposed names. Use correlation names to distinguish them. Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 11 Line 11: Incorrect syntax near 'schedheader'. when...
  3. A

    SQL Query Joins

    Can anyone attempt to help me on why this query fails on the 2nd and 3rd joins? SELECT schedheader.DATE, schedheader.EXCEPTION_CODE, schedheader.START_MINUTE, schedheader.LENGTH, scheddetail.EXCEPTION_CODE, scheddetail.START_MINUTE, scheddetail.LENGTH, schedheader.CUSTOMER_ID, [except].EXC_NAME...
  4. A

    Change Password Form

    This is awesome!!!
  5. A

    DateAdd + Days

    DateAdd Yep that's the logic needed is simply add all B's to the RollOff date. I shall give this a go tomorrow, I have also came up with a solution that seems to work with about 4 different queries while i'll post tomorrow.
  6. A

    DateAdd + Days

    These will always be a mixture of Letter Codes and could possbile be a to z. I do not need to make any changes to the Letter Codes. A better example would be: Date ------ Letter------ RollOff 6/1/2006 ------A------- DateAdd("yyyy", 1, [Date]) + 4 days of B Codes for 6/2,6/3,6/4,6/25 6/2/2006...
  7. A

    DateAdd + Days

    suggestions?? Anyone have any suggestions to this issue?
  8. A

    DateAdd + Days

    I have a table that has several fields however the ones I'm working with are Date, Letter, RollOff. Date being the date the record was entered example 6/1/2006 Letter can be letter codes simply a,b,c,d,e etc RollOff is 1 year from the Date the record was entered. I've searched though several...
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