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  1. K

    accumalitve hours and min between two dates n time

    Hi, Is there a way i can work out the number of hours and min between two dates n time. The dates n time will look like this: - 9/4/2006 17:47:00 PM - 11/4/2006 14:47:53 I just want it to tell me the number of hours and min between them. Thanks k0r54
  2. K

    Split a form

    Hi, Hi, I have a continuous sub-form and it has 3 fields date, problem and action. i am currently ordering it by date DESC. Want i am after if it is possible is too somehow splite so there is a gap or a line or something to patition if by months. There i will only every be 3 different months...
  3. K

    Hiding the access background window

    Hi, Ok i am using the following code to hide the access window but when i do it, it also hides it from the taskbar aswell. Is there any modifications to the code that will hide the background window but also keep it on the taskbar. thanks k0r54 Module: - Option Compare Database Private...
  4. K

    Running a function when moving to next record

    Hi, How can i run some vba cose directly after i click the move next button on the navigation but at the bottom of the form. Thanks k0r54
  5. K

    Array with no bounds

    Hi, Is there a way i can create an array with no bound like so (FieldSep being the array) - Do pnt = InStr(stp, ary, " ") - 1 FieldSep(cnt) = Array(pnt, fmt) stp = pnt + 2 cnt = cnt + 1 Loop While InStr(stp, ary, " ") <> 0 Or stp > Len(ary) The problem i get...
  6. K

    Perform function before next record

    Hi, Is there a way i can perfrom some functions before or after the next record in the recordset is loaded. (form is set to continuous) For instance: If i have 5 records in my forms record source after the 1st it will msgbox "sumin" after the second msgbox "sumin" and so on? This is the...
  7. K

    Equivilant "ontime" function in access

    Hi, Like the "ontime" function in excel is there an equivilant function in access. The ontime function allows me to repeat a procedure within it every 10 min ( or watever i set it to) Thanks k0r54
  8. K

    Finding out the last time data was updated

    Hi, I am using this code below to retrieve the last updated time on the tablea. lbl_DataLastUpdated.Caption = "Data last updated: - " & Format(CurrentDb.TableDefs("ATM_Info").LastUpdated, "dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm") This works but the problem i have is, when i add an entry via a form or do anything...
  9. K

    Using API to hide the BG window but keep on taskbar

    Hi, The code below works fine, with no problem. The problem i do have though, is that i would like to keep the database on the task bar. The code below just hides the bg window for me by calling the function. But when it does it, it completely hides it even from the task bar. That is what i...
  10. K

    Change Bg

    Hi, I have a form with a subform that is set to continuous. I have a field [Info][.RemovedP]. What i want is if RemovedP = -2 then i want the bg colour of JUST that record to be changed. The default is blue, so what i will then get is blue bg for all the records accept if the RemovedP ='s -2...
  11. K

    Passwording for protection

    Hi, If i want to protect everything in the database how can i do that. I dont want a password to open the database, and I only want users to be able to edit the records through my forms (without use of a password), but i dont want any1 being able to edit records manually, edit forms, or...
  12. K

    exporting a subform to excel

    Hi, I have a subform and on that form i have a button, with that button i want to export the contents of the form to excel. It is in datasheet view and just want to export it to a file. When i load the sub form. I put the query in through a macro (for various reasons) which i think what is...
  13. K

    Puttin a subform in a list style?

    Hi, In the subform i have the layout i want with the text boxes and so on. Now i have that in the main form the sub form is fairly big, but the problem i get is the subform only displays 1 record at a time. Is there a way i can get the subform to display all the records and for it just to add...
  14. K

    Searching through a form

    Hi, On my form i have a text box (txt_search) and a search button (cmd_search). Now when the button is pressed i want it to go to another form (that bit is done) and display the search results (the bit that is hard). How can i get it so that when i click the button. It searches some predefined...
  15. K

    Fields are locking, but very stange

    Hi, Ok, i have a really stange problem I have two tables tablea, tableb. They both have the field Line address in which is a number. However, when i have both these tables in a query and link them on line address the dataview sheet becomes locked. But if i just run a query with tablea on its...
  16. K

    use an array when calling a function from a query field

    Hi, In the query field i am putting: - Consecutive Months: Query_Month_Consecutive([Report_2_group_data].[Availability]...
  17. K

    display 12 months on a crosstab query?

    Ok, I have a table with 3 fields Line address, Availability, Relevance Date Every month i put in the data given and i have back from june (so i dont actually have 12 months. At the moment i am grouping by line address(Row header) and datepart("m",[relevance date]) - (column header) and have...
  18. K

    Returning a value to a query

    Hi, I have a query and in the field i have Expr1: FieldName(Format(DateSerial(2005,Month(Date())-1,1),"mm")) This will run the function below with the number 10 in (this month anyway) Function FieldName(MMonth) FieldName = "[" & MMonth & "]" End Function The problem is, instead of then...
  19. K

    Change the source of a link table

    Hi, I have a folder with CSV files in. I have a table ("tableA") which links to one of the CSV files, to be more persice oct_05.csv. Now how can i get vba to when i run the function change the link of tableA to nov_05. I know how to work out the month and ect.. the only thing holding me back...
  20. K

    Using crosstab queries with forms

    Hi, I have a form and its source is a query. There are only 5 things on the form that can be modified, the rest is just displayed. the 5 things are within a table b. In my design view i link up table b with the already made crosstab query. (everything within the crosstab query are just for...
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