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  1. P

    Copy Entire Row to new Sheet

    copy rows Remark: I haven't tested but it should be ok Dim x as integer x=1 application.screenupdate = false do if cells(x,2) = "total" then 'Caps sensitive cells(x,2).entirerow.copy sheets(2).select cells(65000,1).end(xlup).offset(1,0).select activesheet.paste...
  2. P

    Excel Copy Row Using VBA

    copy multiple rows Dim x As Integer x = ActiveCell.Row Range("1:4," & x & ":" & x).Copy Sheets("Merge sheet").Select Range("A1").Select ActiveSheet.Paste Application.CutCopyMode = False Pieter
  3. P

    Excell Forms..textbox and Combobox to be initialized

    try me.controls (me refers to the main object, in this case your form)
  4. P

    Text Box Data to be Copied

    text box text Hi, you'll need to activate the textbox first. example: Dim text As String Worksheets(1).Shapes("text box 1").Select text = Selection.text MsgBox text ps: the name of the texbox can be found in the name-box on the left of the formulabar I asume that a selection.copy will do the...
  5. P

    Counting cells

    Counting cells with text Hi, you can use following formula: =countif(A1:F10;"*Monday*") Pieter
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