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  1. D

    Hide Design Stuff - Open Query - Provide Preview - BOOM!

    Hi guys, A general question so decided to post here... What's the best way of allowing users to see a DoCmd.OpenQuery routine, securely without having access to stuff they shouldn't have? My reason for using this view is because it's dynamic and changes as the data changes... One problem I've...
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    Batch file to run/open a desktop/quicklaunch shortcut...

    Hi guys, Not sure if this can be done.... I've used a batch file to successfully open and close the current database.... However, I'm using the Granite AutoFE updater which launches from a shortcut... So, I'm wondering if I can use the same batch file to open/run a shortcut... The problem I...
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    Show non-existent dates...

    Hi there, I've attached a screen shot of a form which runs amongst other things a cross tab query at the bottom of the form...(work agency scenario)... The records in the cross tab are basically days that a given candidate has worked....(dates being >= today) - the records above show every day...
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    Listbox (multi-select) - Click and Key events

    Hi guys, I have a multi-select listbox of employees on Form A that when single-clicked or drag-selected (to select a group) - fires a loop through items sub to create a recordource for a second "detail" form B I also get the above code to fire when I use the Up and Down arrow keys on my...
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    Databases: Separate companies - single or multiple databases?

    Hi guys, I asked a question a while ago about maintaining a single or separate databases, etc and got some really good feedback; many thanks for this. This question is an extension to the original question in that... ...We run two independant UK companies (separate company numbers), one is a...
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    User defined queries...

    Hi guys, I've been asked to come up with something whereby management can create their own queries...thereby being able to design their own reports with their own chosen data, filtered, sorted to their own needs, etc....blah blah... My first thought would be to design a customised form so you...
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    Appointment/Shift Overlaps

    Hi there, I'm posting here under queries even though the solution may be something else.... I've checked all over the web and here and have found some examples that come close but not exactly what I'm looking for. I have designed and maintain the recruitment databases (in Access) that run 2...
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    Separate MDB's or ONE MDB?

    Hi guys, I'm up against the wall here... We run 2 separate recruitment companies, one is specialist and one is general. I was brought in for my overall recruitment experience and also the fact I was 'so-so' at MS Access, having designed a very makeshift recruitment database as a 'hobby' when I...
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    Retrieving data from Pivot Table View

    Hi guys, Googled everywhere for this... When you've got a form open in pivot table view and you click on different areas of the view, is it possible to grab any data from this view e.g. employeeID, customerID to pass to other subroutines?? If this were possible, I could open a new form by...
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    Bob's AutoUpdate Utility - Question?

    I've been using Bob's very cool autoupdate utility (posted a while back) in the last few days, but I have a slight problem... We have 7 PC's in the office - but if any ONE user has the backend open (via their own FE) - no one else our home style network can run an update...(Note:we don't have a...
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    Re-open form after Error Event

    Hi guys, I'm stumped on this's the code... Private Sub Form_Error(DataErr As Integer, Response As Integer) On Error GoTo Err_fix Response = acDataErrContinue ' \\\ Various code to link to new backend, etc DoCmd.Close 'On testing - Acccess thinks the form is open so close it...
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    Multiple Users - Shared Folders

    Hi there, This is probably easy for most but my knowledge of Networking and Access in a multiple-user environment is limited... We currently have 7 Users utilising a split FE/BE Access application designed by myself. All machines are running Windows XP Professional. We don't have a dedicated...
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    Multi-User - Can you assign which user created/amended a record?

    Hi guys, I've seen different log in forms and tips on multi-user use but can't seem to find info on the following... We have 6 people at work and I'd like to assign which user updated a form or created a new record...this would be particularly useful on the sales part of the database to track...
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    Query needed to solve candidate skills database

    Hi there, The recruitment database I have designed for work is okay in the main except for where I need to filter candidates depending on their skill sets. What I need to be able to do is filter candidates that possess ALL skills selected in a multiselect listbox... Table structure runs as...
  15. D

    Set Boolean field to true after printing...

    Hi guys, I have a report with a subreport... One of the fields in the subreport is a boolean field called 'Printed' I've tried setting this field to 'True' in the OnPrint and On Format events of the detail section (which is where the 'Printed' field is placed) but I keep getting an Error 2448...
  16. D

    Listbox query problem...

    Hi guys, I'm working on a company recruitment database. I've stripped out where my problem is and attached the relevant file/tables/queries, etc... I have a form with 2 listboxes (left and right) that are used to select various combinations of employees depending on job role and skill types...
  17. D

    Listbox navigation with mouse and keyboard...

    Hi there, Been struggling with this simple thing for days now... If I move through a listbox by using the keyboard (NOT the mouse) to display the seletced record in a 'detailed' form I get the previous record that was selected in the listbox displayed in the detailed form instead of the newly...
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    String Manipulation

    Hi guys, Hope this hasn't been covered before... We use Outlook and an application I've designed in Access at my place of work for Contact Management. We do quite a few imports and exports between both apps, some built in and some VBA coded I'm wondering how to go about the following: In...
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    Unique Values to ComboBox

    Hi guys, I've tried searching all the threads for an answer to my problem and I can't seem to find it.... Ok I know this should be simple... I know to use Distinct and DistinctRow to only show unique records in a combobox but all I want to do is that once a selection is chosen in the combobox...
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    ComboBox Unique Values

    Hi guys, I've tried searching all the threads for an answer to my problem and I can't seem to find it.... Ok I know this should be simple... I know to use Distinct and DistinctRow to only show unique records in a combobox but all I want to do is that once a selection is chosen in the combobox...
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