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  1. P

    Close external program

    Hey Tyler, I don't know if there's a safer way to do this, and I personally never use SendKeys - but I reckon this should work...? Call CloseApp and pass in the desired Application Name as a string: Sub CloseApp(pstrAppName As String) AppActivate pstrAppName Application.SendKeys...
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    Loop through SubFolder of a Subfolder

    Hey Kiwiman, How about this? Credit largely due to Erlandsen Data Consulting for the original ListFilesInFolder function which was written for excel, I just modified it a bit to suit your purposes... HTH J Sub ExecuteListFiles() Call ListFilesInFolder("C:\Documents and...
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    Sorting out indexes mess

    Thanks Banana. Hmmm, there's a lot more to indexes than first meets the eye. I didn't realise they were actually essential to update recordsets, I always thought they were just an extra that was beneficial in some way to the performance of queries etc... Having read WindSailor's post now...
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    Sorting out indexes mess

    Hey all, I just found this article ( about indexes that talks about Access automatically creating two indexes on the primary key of a new table. I looped through the back end db of my app to return a list of indexes and associated fields for each...
  5. P

    Closing OpenRecordset connections

    Thanks for all the replies guys. datAdrenaline: Looks like you do suggest using a 'Close' on the OpenRecordset, I guess that's probably the safest bet, even when I don't 'Set' it to an object. I don't know for definite that leaving objects 'Set' causes problems, but I read on...
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    Closing OpenRecordset connections

    Thanks Wazz. Yeah, the count method works because I'm just passing in a sql 'Select Count(CustID) as Count From tblCustomers' statement, then referencing the Count field. And I do close every object I explicitly 'Set', my question here is more about using OpenRecordset when I haven't 'Set' it...
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    Closing OpenRecordset connections

    Hey all, Recently my access 2k3 db started giving me an error when using the compact & repair option, telling me it may be corrupt. I've done a bit of research and found that part of the problem at least stemmed from saving & exiting the app without closing off all opened connections. I think...
  8. P

    Determine Source Label of DblClick

    Hi Bob, Many thanks for the reply. Did you mean to use Screen.ActiveControl still within a private sub for each label like this? Private Sub BusinessAddress1_DblClick(Cancel As Integer) Call InsertFieldName(Screen.ActiveControl) End Sub If so, I get the following error: "Runtime error...
  9. P

    Determine Source Label of DblClick

    Hi all, Just wondering if anyone knows if this is possible please - I can't find anything helpful on the net so any tips would be much appreciated... I'm making a form which allows the creation of letter templates, with functionality for users to double click a query field name (from a list in...
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    Populate form fields on open

    Sorry, I keep referring to the form I want to open & populate as a subform but it's not at all - it's a POPUP form... Any suggestions please? Thanks PT
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    Populate form fields on open

    Hi all, I'm sure this must be a well used function by many access users but I can't find anything about it online at all - please help! I want to open a subform "AddReservation" and populate three fields with data taken from the relevant record in the main form. So in the...
  12. P

    Update main form and go to specified record

    Fear Naught, I'm not sure if you're meaning to help me, or you want me to help you now I resolved my problem? If you're trying to help me then many thanks but it's ok I got my problem sorted - however if you want me to help you in doing something similar let me know and I will post a copy of...
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    Update main form and go to specified record

    Resolved! Just for the record in case this helps anyone in future, I solved the problem - simple mistake from a newbie I guess... After a great deal of searching & frustrating trial & error I narrowed it down to my DoCmd.GoToRecord statement, and discovered that the 'offset' parameter (last...
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    Update main form and go to specified record

    Looking back at my post I think I may have asked too many questions, let me try to narrow my request down a little to just the main issue i'm having... I have also attached a copy of the database so you can see the problem for yourself - I really hope this helps someone to help me with the...
  15. P

    Update main form and go to specified record

    Evening all, Having a bit of a problem with a 'cattery management' database I'm working on, wonder if anyone can suggest anything pls... From the main form "OwnersAndCats" (Main table from 'tblOwners', subform from 'tblCats') the user can either add a new cat for a current owner or a new...
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