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  1. L

    check if textboxA exists in a form

    Minty your right i was chasing my own butt...:banghead: you just send me in the right track thanks
  2. L

    check if textboxA exists in a form

    Minty not sure what the "code used to load the form" is... i just have this in a main form button frm = gotoform.value ' textbox field by combo with name of form to go DoCmd.OpenForm frm, acNormal everything is ok with loading this from, the problem cames when i try to check if...
  3. L

    check if textboxA exists in a form

    well the form is set with"screen.activeform"and then depending in the name of the form it loads the right one. then i have to check all possible textfields in all forms to update the table. problem is when i try to check if the field value is text... if the textbox doesn't exists it returns...
  4. L

    check if textboxA exists in a form

    I have a dynamic form that loads different textboxs depending on several vars. i want to use it to update a table but cant check if textboxA.value exist, because if it doesn't it just throws a error. Is there any other way of doing this? Thanks.
  5. L

    subform controling main form

    hi i have a form with some text controls and a subform in table view. i need that when the user selects a record in the subform table the details are displayed in the main form, how do i do this? I can do the other way around but this i can't. Can you help me?????
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