Search results

  1. ErikSnoek

    Exporting to Word and Remote Server Unavailable Error

    This line could be the problem: Selection.GoTo What:=wdGoToBookmark, Name:="Narrative" Change it to: objWord.Selection.GoTo What:=wdGoToBookmark, Name:="Narrative" and try again. Another possible reason could be the fact that you're not calling "objWordApp.Quit", try adding that before "Set...
  2. ErikSnoek

    Invalid use of NULL (?!!)

    Hm, try intLeafID2 = nz(rsWallCons("intLeafID2").Value,0)
  3. ErikSnoek

    How to check that Adobe Application is running

    Well here's a way to find the class. Create a new module, put all this code in it, open your Adobe application and run the sub fEnumWindows Public Const MAX_PATH = 260 Declare Function EnumWindows Lib "user32" (ByVal lpEnumFunc As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long Declare Function GetClassName...
  4. ErikSnoek

    How to check that Adobe Application is running

    I checked out Adobe Reader 8 with spy++ and found class name "AcrobatSDIWindow" and caption "Adobe Reader". Give it a try, might work for you :)
  5. ErikSnoek

    Access Redemption Outlook
  6. ErikSnoek

    Code for checkboxes

    You just need the field "Gender" in your table and use that as control source for your option group. Then "Gender" will get a value of 1 or 2 (unless you specify different values in the checkboxes). For example 1 being male and 2 being female.
  7. ErikSnoek

    Code for checkboxes

    Use an option group box.
  8. ErikSnoek


    There are several ways to fix that. One of them is to add something like this to the On Current event of the subform: If Parent.RecordSource <> "Accounts" Then 'is a select query when the search has results Me.RecordsetClone.FindFirst "[Last Name] Like '" & Parent.txtSearchLast & "'"...
  9. ErikSnoek


    Woops, we've constantly used the recordset of the mainform, not the subform :D This is what it should be: Set RS = [ClientInformation Subform1].Form.RecordsetClone RS.FindFirst "[Last Name] Like '" & Me.txtSearchLast.Value & "'" If Not RS.NoMatch Then...
  10. ErikSnoek

    Subform Not Updating

    No.. or well, sorta. You had to add brackets around the name because you had a space in it and also you had to add ".Form"
  11. ErikSnoek


    Was just about to ask that :)
  12. ErikSnoek

    Subform Not Updating

    Private Sub Search_Click() [qryInput SubForm].Form.Requery End Sub
  13. ErikSnoek


    You could also do this: Set RS = Me.RecordsetClone RS.FindFirst "[Last Name] Like '" & Me.txtSearchLast.value & "'" If Not RS.NoMatch Then DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acGoTo, RS.AbsolutePosition + 1 End If but it does the same as the bookmark thing really. I made a little test...
  14. ErikSnoek

    Addnew and Edit

    If IsNull(rstAvailability) Then should be If rstAvailability.eof Then
  15. ErikSnoek

    Addnew and Edit

    Yours: strSQL = "SELECT MonthAvailable, ResourceID FROM tblResource WHERE MonthAvailable = " & Forms!filter("txtMonth" & intMonth) & _ "AND txtResourceID =" & Forms!filter("txtResourceID" & intRow) Mine: strSQL = "SELECT MonthAvailable, ResourceID FROM tblResource WHERE MonthAvailable = " &...
  16. ErikSnoek

    Addnew and Edit

    Well in that code you should change the sql part to strSQL = "SELECT MonthAvailable, ResourceID FROM tblResource WHERE MonthAvailable = " & Forms!filter("txtMonth" & intMonth) & _ " AND ResourceID =" & Forms!filter("txtResourceID" & intRow)
  17. ErikSnoek


    But wait, the first record meets the criteria in the FindFirst right? :confused:
  18. ErikSnoek

    Addnew and Edit

    Did you check strCriteria before it goes to the FindFirst line? Is it ok? Or maybe it is because you didn't declare rstAvailability, add "Dim rstAvailability As DAO.Recordset" on top.
  19. ErikSnoek


    Try the "Like" instead of "=" again and also add a little check to the code to see whats happening, like this: Set RS = Me.RecordsetClone RS.FindFirst "[Last Name] Like '" & Me.txtSearchLast.value & "'" If Not RS.NoMatch Then MsgBox "found a record. searched on: [Last Name]...
  20. ErikSnoek

    Attaching a Previously Sent E-mail

    Well yes. The sub is already named "MailFindAndSend" so you're basically confusing Access :D. A good way to call a module is mod<name>, so in this case modMailFindAndSend :)
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