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  1. H

    Work week only 4 days

    Try this: SELECT Count(UniqueDaysAll.[DATE DUE]) AS [CountOfDATE DUE] FROM UniqueDaysAll WHERE (Weekday(UniqueDaysAll.[DATE DUE])) >0 and (Weekday(UniqueDaysAll.[DATE DUE])) <6;
  2. H

    Convert 600 to 6.00

    Round(int([field name])/100,2)
  3. H

    Refreshing tables

    Can you not re-import the file as you did in the first place? If you don't intend to update the table but need it for reference purposes only then it would probably be better to create a link table instead?
  4. H

    getting query criteria from one source

    If all of these queries relate to one particular table then you may want to consider creating a "master query" with all other queries being based on that query rather than off the table directly. That way any changes that need to be global to all other queries can be made to the master query and...
  5. H

    wild card error "*" in sql script

    Hi Paul That did the trick - you're a legend - thanks for your help I'll ignore all the rude things people say about you on this forum - just kidding. thanks again.
  6. H

    wild card error "*" in sql script

    Hi chaps I am a little stumped here. I have created a simple SELECT sql script which works fine if I make the "WHERE" part of the query refer to a specific record, but if I use a wildcard, the process errors saying that no records are found even though I know there are records that meet the...
  7. H

    referencing a form in another access database

    I was wondering if it is possible to set a variable in one database to be the value shown in a form on another database. If I set the value in a textbox on a form on the backend DB, then I would like set a variable in the frontend code to equal that textbox value. Is that possible? eg...
  8. H

    Macro Sequence

    Macros do wait for the next step to finish but if it calls a batch job or something outside of access it will move immediately to the next instruction in the macro even if the batch job has not finished. So assuming all your macro instructions relate to data within the database then it will only...
  9. H

    Write / Append Recordset From A Table To Textfile

    Hi guys Here's a simple helpful function to create a datestamped batch file with a header, some tab delimited table data and a trailer. I know there is room for improvement but hope it helps someone. ********************************* Function BUILD_AMBER_FILE() Dim filedate As String Dim...
  10. H

    simple TransferText acExportFixed problem

    Hi chaps I was wondering if anyone has experienced a similar problem before. I have a script that exports a query to a text file. It is to a fixed length text file. Each time I run the script it fails with: ************* Runtime error '3011' The microsoft Jet database engine could not find...
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