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  1. J

    Reporting data based on a dependent variable

    Alright! I've set up everything to my liking, and I'm really comming along. I have a few questions, however. 1) If our bookkeeper has to go back and put in the same job number with a different date, I'd like access to auto-fill certain feilds that aren't indexed and allow duplicates. 2) When...
  2. J

    Reporting data based on a dependent variable

    Thank you!!
  3. J

    Reporting data based on a dependent variable

    Alright, I've done as asked - renamed everything, basically started from scratch. My Database is tabling data properly and everything is ready to be reported. With my limited knowledge, I can't make this report as my employer is requesting; I just dont know how. If you look at the file I've...
  4. J

    Referencing a Column AND registering Data in a table

    Rural, I actually solved my problem by writing a Macro for the expression... =[EmpName].column(1) ...and just kept the control source as the EmpID (linked by recordsource to the table). Thanks!
  5. J

    Referencing a Column AND registering Data in a table

    Yes, but I just cant get the data to go to the table.
  6. J

    Referencing a Column AND registering Data in a table

    Well, I'm using 2000, so Im not sure to be honest. I'll check first thing in the morning.
  7. J

    Referencing a Column AND registering Data in a table

    Hey everyone, I need a hand with getting a certain field to do two things. I have a combo box (Employee Name) that, when selected, brings up the Employee Number in the adjacent field. HOWEVER, this number is NOT stored in the associated table! Gar! I realize that the control source can either be...
  8. J

    Reporting data based on a dependent variable

    Thanks again for the thorough explanation Peter, I'll be sure to apply these concepts to my database right away!
  9. J

    Reporting data based on a dependent variable

    Bumping, still need a hand.
  10. J

    Reporting data based on a dependent variable

    Hello everyone, I'm trying to work out a problem I'm having with a report I've constructed to match our company's formatting. Before I move onto the report, let me explain how I've set up the tables and queries. Tables: I currently have 3 tables. An Employees Table, a Project Table and a Time...
  11. J

    Reporting Union Query Data

    Thanks for your help Peter, I have a better understanding of 1NF and 2NF by doing a little more research. I wish I had known this from the start, it would have saved much time and many headaches! I'll get my db normalized and work on rearranging my form so that the data is continuous. I suppose...
  12. J

    Reporting Union Query Data

    Thanks I'll give that a shot. Am I on the right track by unionizing all the different source-boxes for employee names? Thats the thing that really thows me... The bookkeeper has to have a minimum of six open spots for a job, even though one job may only have 2 employee's entered. Whats the best...
  13. J

    Reporting Union Query Data

    Just some info that may assist - my tbl looks like this: JobID Date Zone EmployeeNameA TimeInA TimeOutA TotalHoursA as headers to track the employees entered in my "A" fields. Since the time card form requires possible input of six employees, my Table ranges from A to F. (I.E., EmployeeNameB...
  14. J

    Reporting Union Query Data

    Morning Everyone, I'm currently working on a database that will store Employee Names and their Hours Worked for bookkeeping purposes. The form we have composed currently takes information on a Job to Job basis (i.e., 1 sheet per job) but has several text input fields for the various employees...
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