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  1. C

    Question Due date - Working Days

    Ahh yes thanks, holidays are the key or should I say 'pain in the arse' in all this. I'll it another go.
  2. C

    Question Due date - Working Days

    Thanks for that, I'm getting closer. I found one here with similar idea: I'm having trouble getting the result back in the form, its just keeps coming back with #Name? in the text box in the form. Another here but looks...
  3. C

    Question Due date - Working Days

    How would I use this in a text box on a form or a query to get the answer? :confused:
  4. C

    Question Due date - Working Days

    'Two dates' is start date and end date and just working out the number of days between them. 'Due date' is because I have the start date and number of days so just want to find the end date. :)
  5. C

    Question Due date - Working Days

    Hello. I'm trying to work out what date would be 20 working days from a inputted date. So far I've got a table with the start date [startdate] and a holiday table. I'm using Access 2010. I know that to work this out normally would be DATEADD (day,20, startdate) There seems to be plenty of...
  6. C

    Mail pop-up - Jmail.asp

    If NOT blnSpam Then JMail.Execute strResult = "Mail Sent." response.redirect "sent.html" Else strResult = "Mail Not Sent." response.redirect "error.html" End If Instead of "response.redirect" is there anyway to put create a simple confirmation box? eg mail success so confirmation box pops up...
  7. C

    Field names and Combo Box

    I did manage that. Private Sub Combo1_AfterUpdate() On Error GoTo Err_Combo1_AfterUpdate Dim Totalcmb1 As Long Dim cmb1 As String cmb1 = Combo1.Value Totalcmb1 = DCount("ID", "tblMain", cmb1) Combotxt1.Value = Totalcmb1 Exit_Combo1_AfterUpdate: Exit Sub...
  8. C

    Field names and Combo Box

    This may be the completley wrong way of doing things but I've manually created a lookup table with the field names as the list, the table headings won't change; eg Main Table (tblMain) Autonumber ID ¦ cat_guidance_1 ¦ cat_score_1 01 ¦ yes ¦ Yes...
  9. C

    Counting dates and Null values in Charts

    Nope. I'm still a bit noob at this so thats probably why! I'll post a picture of the chart anyway. I've tried a few variations on the coding but I suppose working with null values is like trying to create something out of nothing. :confused: Theres 18 records July which shows fine but the...
  10. C

    Counting dates and Null values in Charts

    Hi, I searched the forum for this but the only thread that came close to what I was looking for was this. Basically I have chart in a report thats based on a query that counts the amount of entries per...
  11. C

    Multiple field query

    Thanks for all your help on this. Final code at the bottom of post. I'm sure once the users can see what they can get out of it there will more added to it. I've actually got my head around how queiries work again so its been a good learning exercise. I've been a while replying because I...
  12. C

    Multiple field query

    Sorry yeah, I was just confused. The date is supposed to be between those two dates not equal them as I had done. Still trying to get me head round Access, not just how you write the code but also how you implemement it. I'll have a look at this today. Thanks for your help anyway.
  13. C

    Multiple field query

    I have done a query with preset criteria. SELECT tblMain.ID1, tblMain.Dt, tblMain.Dt, tblMain.Coverage FROM tblMain WHERE (((tblMain.Dt)=#5/10/2006#) AND ((tblMain.Dt)=#5/10/2007#) AND ((tblMain.Keyword) Like "*health*") AND ((tblMain.Coverage)="Balanced")); But how would I integrate this into...
  14. C

    Counting month fields for the current year?

    My mistake, 51 is a typo... The time field is seperate, [Dt] only has day, month and year. I'll give it a test run anyway. Currently half my problem with Access is I used to be able to do all this but I have'nt even touched the program for 3 years, and most of my knowledge seems to have leaked...
  15. C

    Counting month fields for the current year?

    Thanks. Just noticed I missed the year off. Hi thanks, just noticed myself I missed the Year part of the dateserial off, but you bet me. :) =DCount("[dt]","[tblMain]","[dt] between dateserial(Year(Date()),51,1) and dateserial(Year(Date()),51,31)") Will that include the 31st and the 1st in...
  16. C

    Counting month fields for the current year?

    Thanks for your reply but I didn't explain myself very well. On the on the frmSwitchboard in the picture, link, I have a column of text boxes with the month next to each one. I want to show in each text box the amount of fields that were entered during current year in that month. The Date field...
  17. C

    Multiple field query

    My second post. Heres a link to an image of the database below In the search section I want to be able to search multiple fields. The date from and to data will come from the same field, Coverage is a drop box and Organisation and keywords could be...
  18. C

    Counting month fields for the current year?

    Hiya This is my first post here, but I've two questions so I'll divide it into two threads. Normally I can google these to help find the answers but a bit of a loss at this one, probably beginners stuff to some of you. Heres a link to the database below...
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