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  1. C

    Question Due date - Working Days

    Hello. I'm trying to work out what date would be 20 working days from a inputted date. So far I've got a table with the start date [startdate] and a holiday table. I'm using Access 2010. I know that to work this out normally would be DATEADD (day,20, startdate) There seems to be plenty of...
  2. C

    Mail pop-up - Jmail.asp

    If NOT blnSpam Then JMail.Execute strResult = "Mail Sent." response.redirect "sent.html" Else strResult = "Mail Not Sent." response.redirect "error.html" End If Instead of "response.redirect" is there anyway to put create a simple confirmation box? eg mail success so confirmation box pops up...
  3. C

    Field names and Combo Box

    This may be the completley wrong way of doing things but I've manually created a lookup table with the field names as the list, the table headings won't change; eg Main Table (tblMain) Autonumber ID ¦ cat_guidance_1 ¦ cat_score_1 01 ¦ yes ¦ Yes...
  4. C

    Counting dates and Null values in Charts

    Hi, I searched the forum for this but the only thread that came close to what I was looking for was this. Basically I have chart in a report thats based on a query that counts the amount of entries per...
  5. C

    Multiple field query

    My second post. Heres a link to an image of the database below In the search section I want to be able to search multiple fields. The date from and to data will come from the same field, Coverage is a drop box and Organisation and keywords could be...
  6. C

    Counting month fields for the current year?

    Hiya This is my first post here, but I've two questions so I'll divide it into two threads. Normally I can google these to help find the answers but a bit of a loss at this one, probably beginners stuff to some of you. Heres a link to the database below...
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