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  1. T

    Advice needed please. Importing Sharepoint Text file into List and Deleting previous days data

    I have a text file, The text file is delimited by the number of characters, This file is dropped into a sharepoint site on a daily basis. The previous days file is overwritten. I have a access database that needs a connection to that file, The data is imported daily, and appended to a table...
  2. T

    inconsistent state

    Recently i am getting your database is in a inconsistent state Daily. Seems to have gotten worse over the last couple of weeks - Could be due a to a recent upgrade to Microsoft 365 version 2408 build 16.0.17928.20336 - 64 bit Database is split - front end - Back end for some reference tables...
  3. T

    Compact error. Error Code 1206. Unrecognisable database format.

    Thanks, i had 2 fields named Description - So have renamed these.
  4. T

    Compact error. Error Code 1206. Unrecognisable database format.

    Now and again when updating the vba code i get a unrecognisable database format error - and can see the error is logged in the below table. Any ideas how I can trace what is causing this error ? Anyways have backups etc - so able to roll back.
  5. T

    Refresh Form value based on update Query

    Thanks it is a single form, Forms!FrmCharges.Recordset.requery does work - because this is in a Afterupdate event - it is not including the current line in the total, So thinking i need to move it from this event to a different one.
  6. T

    Refresh Form value based on update Query

    I have a vba update query that sets the Claim Value - which works. [CODE]DoCmd.RunSQL "UPDATE QryqcCharges SET Claim_Value = " & ClaimValue & " WHERE Job_ID=" & Nz(Forms!FrmCharges.Job_ID, 0) & " AND
  7. T

    Getusername function

    I have now added the fields i need to the hidden form. Thanks
  8. T

    Getusername function

    Compile Error - Invalid outside procedure - Highlighting the "Username" in Mid(Environ("UserName")
  9. T

    Getusername function

    If trying to set as Temp Vars. Is the following correct - as i need to remove the first and last character from the username (as within AWS). TempVars!MyTempVar = Mid(Environ("UserName"), 2, Len(Environ("UserName")) - 2) ' Create or set the TempVar My Original code is below Public Function...
  10. T

    Getusername function

    I have a function called hetusername, which looks at who is logged on, to see if they have permissions to press certain buttons etc. What this means is that a user could be logged on for 1 hour and in that time the code could check their user details 10 or more times. Trying to think of a way...
  11. T

    Can someone please assist with the VBA code Below - Error Message 3075

    Thanks for all the advice. Over the last 2 weeks I have spent plenty of time asking chatgpt to optimise access vba code, check error handling and add comments to my code. Of which it has done 95% of the time without any errors. Thanks All.
  12. T

    Can someone please assist with the VBA code Below - Error Message 3075

    Thanks, that helped a lot. I have never really used ChatGPT for Access coding - Can i ask What did you ask it to do - Was it something simple like Check this Code ?
  13. T

    Can someone please assist with the VBA code Below - Error Message 3075

    I am trying to run this code on a form open - that askes for the search criteria, then just brings up the specific records, but i am getting Error 3075 "Syntax error (Missing operator) in the query expression as per image below. If i click on OK, the code runs but does not recognise the names of...
  14. T

    IIF statement in View

    Can this be done within the "View"?
  15. T

    IIF statement in View

    Is it possible to have a IIF statement in a view. Trying to get the below to work, but not being successful. SELECT dlv.Record_Type, dlv.[Option], dlv.Delivery_Reference, dlv.Contract, dlv.Supplier_Code AS Sup_Code, sup.Sup_Desc, dlv.Delivery_Date, dlv.Movement_Amount_Sign...
  16. T

    Advice when working with dates on form Between StartDate AND EndDate

    OK all - thanks for the advice so far - The code is to populate the Combobox - limited by the date the job was raised. I have different prices for older dates. I have removed the fields that are not required. so my new code is below. This is now working. StrSql = "SELECT...
  17. T

    Advice when working with dates on form Between StartDate AND EndDate

    In my Data tables i now have added in a StartDate and EndDate - As per image below. My combo box on my charge page - now looks at the Start and End Date - to bring back the most upto date unit cost - This is fed by the CboxCost_Type_Desc. What i am seeing is that when the end date has passed...
  18. T

    VBA for looking up a record between Start and End Data.

    Thanks, this resolved the issue.
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