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  1. D

    Calculating years, months and days between two dates

    I have a form where I enter employees and the dates they've started working. I used the following code and managed to display the days passed from the start date up until now: Dim pocetakRada As Date Dim trajanjeOdnosa As Integer pocetakRada = [dtePocetakRadnogOdnosa].Value trajanjeOdnosa =...
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    How to detect when query returns no values?

    I have a combo box that is fueled by a query, and I want to detect when that query (that is a Row Source for the Combo box) returns no values (the Combo box that is fueled by that query is empty)? I tried using the following codes: If cmbField1.Value = "" Or cmbField1.Value = Null Then...
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    Filling Combobox with message if the query returns no values

    m creating a database that has records of all my travels and the money I've spent for each. I have for with 3 combo boxes: 1. Relation - it has all travel destinations. For now it has only two (Nis - Aleksinac) and (Aleksinac - Nis) 2. Travel agency - it has all the companies I've traveled...
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    VBA and SQL Error Message

    I've started learning VBA recently and came to the part of working with SQL in VBA. Up until now, all the things I did as the tutorial said worked prerfectly, except this one. I've wrote this piece of VBA code: Private Sub intPrevoznikID_AfterUpdate() Dim SQL As String SQL = "SELECT...
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    Scenario: Substracting Items from Storgae when purchased

    I have a table in my database that holds items and their quantity and that table represents the storage. I have a table that represents a cross table and holds the infromation about items sold and the date they are sold, and I have a form for entering data in that table (matching items with the...
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    Question JOIN types?

    Where can you best see the application of LEFT and RIGHT JOIN while Refferential Integrity is on in the relationship between the two tables? I can clearly see this while Referential Integrity is not applied, because in that case it is allowed for data from one table not to have their...
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    [ASP-DW-ACCESS] Multiple checkboxes inside reapeat region with one submit button

    I built a Card database and now I wan't to put it online using ASP and IIS. I build a page in dreamweaver, and created a relevant rsEdition (each card comes from specific edition). On page I've put rsEdition.txtEdition object and added a checkbox in front of it, and wrapped both in the repeat...
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    Filtering The Search quiery with Checkboxes

    I'm building card database, and the next step in my work is to build a form where i could search from particular card in database but besides searching where you would enter the card name only I wan't to add a couple of checkboxes that would act as filters. I have the following tables in my...
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    Defining Primary Key from two fields

    I have this table: intSalesID (Number, Indexed: (Yes No Duplicates) intCarID (Number, Indexed: (Yes No Duplicates) intQuantitySales (Number, Indexed: (No) This table is a cross table from the two tables tblCars and tblSales where the intSalesID and intCarID are Primary Keys. In this table I...
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    Calculating total prices only for specific records

    Look at this query: I wan't to calculate the price totals but for each instance of Uvoz ID separately. I've sucessfully used Dsum function but I managed only to calculate all price totals for all instances of Uvoz ID. Is it possible to do it for each number of Uvoz ID separately? How do I do it?
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    Illegal Independence of Kosovo

    What do you think, from the International Law point of view, about this unilateral and illegal act?
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    Controling the Deletion of records

    I have two tables which are connected with one to many relation, here are these tables: tblCars PK. intCarID txtModelName intManufacturerID intModelPrice...
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    Edititng Pages For Switchboard

    Hi. I used Switchboard Manager in Access 2007, and created couple of pages and made one of them default. When I start my database it opens the default page of the switchboard but I cannot access other pages. I tried putting some buttons on the default page and creating some navigation but I...
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    Access 2007 Add-Ins

    Can someone tell me which add-ins are there for Access 2007 and where can I find them?
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    Load Specific Form on Database Opening

    I have a main form in my database which holds buttons that open all other forms, what must I do so that form can open each time I open that database? I saw this in a other database I have but couldn't figure it out. Thnx.
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    VBA Programming Tutorial

    Where can I find good tutorial VBA?
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    Refering To Another Table Field

    I have a form in which I need to calculate total price for the selling car. I'm ccalculating by this formula Total=intCarCost+[inCarCost*(intTaxRate)/100]. My intCarCost and intTaxRate are fields from other two tables, tblCars and tblTaxex. How do I reffer to those fields, I tried various...
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    Adding Data to a Refference Table

    Hi I have a refference table in my database which is connected to two tables. These tables are: tblCars #intCarID txtModelName tblSaleLine - Refference Table #intSaleID #intCarID intQuantity tblSales #intSaleID dteSaleDate Now, I have forms for entering data in tblCars and tblSales and I...
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    Table on a From

    Hi. I have forms for each of my tables to enter data in tables. Can I and how, build a table on a same form where I'll be viewing all the data from that table that will be updated each time I enter a new data?
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    Combo Box orList Box

    I've build a rather complicated database about a Car Shop. Now its time to enter some data in it, and I want to build forms to do this first. Here are data of the first table I want to enter data: tblCars #intCarID intManufacturerID txtModelName dteAssemblyDate intModelPrice...
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