Search results

  1. LPurvis

    Function to Create a Recordset of Recordsets

    Hi I'd have to say that, given the example cited, I'd agree with Dave. If you're performing an iterative action, then performing multiple fetches of the data itself seems pointless (and likely marginally wasteful). Of course, the question subject itself: "Recordset of Recordsets" would lead...
  2. LPurvis

    Same SQL statement but different results via VBA Query

    Hi there. Yes, sadly, ODBC connections don't always translate Boolean values from the constants that ACE supports to the traditional bit types of the server. So you may expect BoolField = True in an Access query, to be parsed into BoolField = 1 on the server. However, in a local query, your...
  3. LPurvis

    Seriously considering an idle timer

    Hi Well, as mentioned given the original scenario, that it's possible deliberate meddling isn't a surprise. Securing the BE is one thing. (Your individual applications surely have to link to it still... are you relinking them with password included?) However, if you're using an ACCDB, I'd...
  4. LPurvis

    Open a report using a form's recordsetclone as the report data source

    Hi. I'm afraid we're a ways past that. I've explained the limitations of using the RecordSource already. That was what the OP was already using and wondering why rows that didn't match that weren't appearing. Hence the requirement to use the RecordsetClone (or in the case I chose, a...
  5. LPurvis

    Open a report using a form's recordsetclone as the report data source

    Hi No probs with language issues, I can only imagine how hard it is. Thankfully my biggest issues are spelling properties BackColor instead of BackColour. :-p (And allowing for illogical date formats :-p) But yes, it's important to list requirements as clearly as possible. :-) Using...
  6. LPurvis

    Open a report using a form's recordsetclone as the report data source

    OK then.... >> I thought we understood each other That's why I'd made the comment earlier on. Assuming understanding is the mother of all..., well... it's not good. >> I didn't mention anything about entering same values, otherwise I would explicitly tell you that. Again, that's a...
  7. LPurvis

    Open a report using a form's recordsetclone as the report data source

    But... in your example image... you're not entering the text which qualifies it for inclusion in the requested search. (I mentioned this a long while ago.) In my example above, I searched for Paul, got the matching result and then entered three more Pauls. Once saved, they appear on the...
  8. LPurvis

    Open a report using a form's recordsetclone as the report data source

    Hi So, with the code as, in the attached example, being: Private Sub Command7_Click() Me.Dirty = False DoCmd.OpenReport "Report1", acViewReport End Sub If you enter example data a in the image below: And then click the Report You don't see that? (The last entered value added?)
  9. LPurvis

    Open a report using a form's recordsetclone as the report data source

    So in the example you posted here, inserting that line into the procedure doesn't work for you? You've tried it in the example?
  10. LPurvis

    Open a report using a form's recordsetclone as the report data source

    Immediately before your report opening line. Me.Dirty = False DoCmd.OpenReport "Report1", acViewReport
  11. LPurvis

    Open a report using a form's recordsetclone as the report data source

    Hi Yep, as far as I can see it's simply a committing issue. (What can I say... some people struggle with commitment.) In the example provided, consider if you add three new rows. All of which match the criteria for the current search. When opening the report, you'll see two of the newly...
  12. LPurvis

    Seriously considering an idle timer

    Hi there. Long time. That's more or less true of Pessimistic Locking too though (I'd be surprised if the OP was using Pessimistic, as it, of course, has to be specifically chosen, i.e. it's against the norm.) By that I mean, a user has to have begun editing the record for it to have...
  13. LPurvis

    Seriously considering an idle timer

    Funnily enough, it's exactly the same length as a piece of string. :-p It can vary from a couple of hours work to a fair old hike. It depends upon the application and the code you've used in it. (Some crazy people, ahem, make part of their living out of such conversions :-s.) If you're...
  14. LPurvis

    Open a report using a form's recordsetclone as the report data source

    Home is where the heart is.... (and the work office for some :-s) Will look out for the example later. Cheers
  15. LPurvis

    Seriously considering an idle timer

    Well, it's just that there's quite a leap between corrupt rows (#Deleted as you've seen) and vanished rows (unless a compact had been performed). I don't think I'm being at all biased when I say that I'd have moved to SQL Server a long while ago. If your network is at all intermittent, then...
  16. LPurvis

    Open a report using a form's recordsetclone as the report data source

    So, when you're adding new rows to this continuous form - and you requery that form, the new rows disappear. But if you open the form and perform the exact same search, the new rows are now present? Beginning to feel a look would be required. Cheers
  17. LPurvis

    Open a report using a form's recordsetclone as the report data source

    Yes the new row is there in the table, but does it contain all the field values that it would need to be included in that same search result? If you open the search form again and perform the exact same search, are the new rows you added last time present? (That they vanished after a requery...
  18. LPurvis

    Open a report using a form's recordsetclone as the report data source

    It then just sounds like the new rows you're adding don't fall within the confines of the criteria you've specified. The classic would be a missing foreign key which is normally entered automatically when opened as a subform in a data entry form. Examine the table, looking at the newly added...
  19. LPurvis

    Open a report using a form's recordsetclone as the report data source

    Hmm... I'm not registered at Stack Overflow (as far as I can recall, I might be, but I barely even post here anymore, let alone starting elsewhere!) Your question is essentiall: >> When I add some record on this form and click for report, this records is not being displayed. Yes? One...
  20. LPurvis

    Seriously considering an idle timer

    Hi there. The description of: >> I've been having some problems with data going missing from one particular table and >> the cause is a momentary drop in network connection/quality/speed Are slightly incongruous to begin with. A corruption and rows which are simply missing, that'd...
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